Thank you Ed Shilen



Mr. Shilen I would like to thank you for reconizing my son's RBA indoor world record with a free barrel. Your support of the shooting sports is greatly appreciated by all. Its not everyday a 13 year old boy in eastern North Carolina gets a barrel from the best barrel maker in the world.

Congratulations on your record target in RBA. I'm sure everyone who has shot with you is proud of you.
Keep it up

Joe: Hope to see you in Feb. Great first year. Remember, Practice, Practice, Practice.
Congratulations Joe. I was impressed when you and your Dad showed up in Waco, TX all the way from North Carolina. I knew then ya'll were serious about this sport for sure :D And I think driving a couple hundred miles is a road trip.
Mr. Shilen is one of the nicest folks you'll every meet and even in my short time in this sport I recognize what he's doing and has done for it. I definitely enjoy seeing him and visiting at matches.
