Texas vs Australia Fly Shoot

mike cockcroft

New member
Attached is the registration form and rules for the Texas vs Australia Fly Shoot
that will be September 23, 2017 at the Pine Valley Benchrest range in Huntsville, TX. This will be a Postal Match with the Australians shooting the same day in Canberra Australia.
Join us to kick some Aussie butt. I will be opening the range for practice days in July, August and September so everyone can get ready. Practice day schedule will be sent out soon.
I lost my old email list due to computer problem. Please tell your shooting buddies about the match and forward this email to others that may not have received it.


  • fly shoot rules.docx
    13.8 KB · Views: 160
  • fly shoot entry 2017.docx
    12.3 KB · Views: 118
Fly match is tomorrow. Range is in great shape and all ready to go. If you want to shoot some good long range competition, come on out. It will be a blast!
Texas was victorious at the Fly Shoot with the Aussies. Great match on both continents.
See attached score sheets


  • Canberra_v_Texas_Combined_Scores.pdf
    432.8 KB · Views: 113
  • Canberra v Texas top 5 results.pdf
    108.7 KB · Views: 126