Texas State Two Gun UL and HV at Seymour,Tx
We hauled our heavy two piece unlimited rifles and a BR bag gun up to Seymour,Tx this past weekend to test our wind reading skills. We are accustomed to the wind at Seymour,Tx.(SEE-MORE) You see more wind than you do anything else in this small Central,Tx Town. We were a little surprised at the 104 degree Temperatures in May. The wind blew hard and harder all weekend long. We did our best to figure it out.
In spite of our efforts,there were some big groups shot by everybody. Mike Conry, from Midland,Tx , somehow managed to repeat his previous years performance by winning the whole thing.(See posted results) Mike lives and shoots where the wind blows constantly. Could be an explanation for his consistency.
The food at the ranger Creek Hunting lodge and "Blessings" Restaurant will make you forget about the big groups that you shot. Thanks to the Match organizers John Horn, Scott Hunter and Trae and Tammi Reed for a well planned weekend of Fun. The Match Director(Eric) and Target crew did a superb job as usual. A lot of effort and energy goes into putting these matches on. A minor glitch is to be expected on occasion. Put this Match on your list of things to do next year. You won't be disappointed.