Texas Rose Gets an Upgrade


New member
Well I finally did it; I changed my stock on Texas Rose.
I have been waiting about a month or so for my Custom stock, I told the stock maker if he could make me something in pink and purple with a yellow rose that I would switch.
All I can say is WOW it is defiantly pink and purple no doubt about it.

I hunt, I fish, and I shoot bench rest, every now and then I like to be at least a little girly.
So now every time I go to the range everyone will know that this is my rifle on the bench Texas Rose!
Maybe seeing something like this will get a few more women involved in bench rest.
It is a lot of fun and I get to spend time with Joe which makes it even better.
I like it a lot and cannot wait to get to the range tomorrow to get it sighted in and see how it does.

Lisa C





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