Testing the new super .177 barrels with ultra slick BR stock


New member
The new benchrest stock design that is sure to sweep the br world.
After sitting next to your Ultra Slick last Saturday and seeing how it enhanced your performance, there's no doubt about that! Now, since the pictures shows Mark shooting it, does that make it the Ultra Slick Willie? :cool: :cool: :cool:
I want one

and the photo of the MRI on the brain is very classy indeed, must be one of the new video MRI machines, it sure shows what is going on in his head, WOW

Wow what a difference!! Care to share any more info on these barrels?
Wow what a difference!! Care to share any more info on these barrels?

They are LW barrels made to my specs. I have an adapter that allows me to test fire each of the ten barrels, with minimal machining, in my Sumo action.
The first shots from the first barrel averaged 1010fps with CPHs. The first six shots printed a half inch group at fifty yards. At last weekend's indoor match I shot three targets with barrel #2. The first target was shot with CPHs straight out of the box. It was a 250, about 15Xs. The second target with the same barrel I used JSBH pellets. I dropped one point on the first ten shots and the pellets were having difficulty maintaining adequate Xs. I swapped to a different tin of JSBHs for the remaining target and target three. It didn't drop any more points and scored a 250 22x on the third target.
For the last three targets I tried barrels #10, 9, and 3. If I remember correctly barrels 10 and 9 shot 250s. I double loaded a shot with barrel 3 and lost 5 points. Other than that shot I was down just one on target 6.
So far these are the most promising barrels that I've used. Wind drift out to fifty yards with CPHs is very minimal.
Hi Dan,
Great shooting, tell me about the sumo. I'm new to pcp rifles never heard of one. Might make a good stablemate to my s200.
Sumo's are a small run custom action made by Chip Smith. The valving and trigger are based on Rapids, the rest is pure Chip.

Hi Dan,
Great shooting, tell me about the sumo. I'm new to pcp rifles never heard of one. Might make a good stablemate to my s200.