Tenessee Stud, SPEC 3



SPEC 3, Tennessee Stud


Your friend, Bill Calfee
My friends

My friends:

I painted SPEC 5 with Harley Davidson, black, wrinkle paint.....I had tested it, and, it was a killer. When the paint was drying, and I held it up to the sun, a name for it came to mind: "Black Death"...........it's proved to be as good as its name.....

I made up my mind right then that all of my SPEC rifles would be named.....silly?, of course, but they will be named.....

Only the first three Calfee SPEC's had not been named, until yesterday.....Greg Davis coined the name " Tennessee Stud" for Jim Pepper's SPEC 3...

I could have thought of names for a year, and not come up with a better name for SPEC 3......

My friend Jim Pepper: Mary Sherrill has a Tee Shirt coming your way......"Tennessee Stud"..........

Finally my friends: I mean no disrespect to anyone, any shooter, nor any gunsmith when I say this: As long as Bill Calfee draws a breath, my SPEC rifles will continue to be the absolute finests rimfire benchrest rifles on the face of this planet......I'm sorry, no disrespect to anyone.....I will not allow it to be otherwise......again, I apologize....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
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Just one thing Friend Bill. It was our good friend Craig Young that came up with thename Thanks Craig.
No big deal. i have a race M1 Garand that was named Loretta before she was built.

The Tennessee Stud brings back old memories when I was a boy listening to the Grand Old Oprey all Sat. night on a battery radio. I thought you told me you couldn't shoot ARA and wasn't going to any more. I see you are doing fine with your new rifle. Hope to shoot with you soon. Mickey
Friend Jim, "Tennessee Stud", Pepper

Friend Jim:

Sorry, I got Greg and Craig mixed up.....I had just talked to Greg Davis the day before......and Craig Young the day befor that....old age my friend....

Friend Craig: An awesome name you come up with.....thanks...

Your friend, BC
Thanks Bill........

My friends:

I painted SPEC 5 with Harley Davidson, black, wrinkle paint.....I had tested it, and, it was a killer. When the paint was drying, and I held it up to the sun, a name for it came to mind: "Black Death"...........it's proved to be as good as its name.....

I made up my mind right then that all of my SPEC rifles would be named.....silly?, of course, but they will be named.....

Only the first three Calfee SPEC's had not been named, until yesterday.....Greg Davis coined the name " Tennessee Stud" for Jim Pepper's SPEC 3...

I could have thought of names for a year, and not come up with a better name for SPEC 3......

My friend Jim Pepper: Mary Sherrill has a Tee Shirt coming your way......"Tennessee Stud"..........

Finally my friends: I mean no disrespect to anyone, any shooter, nor any gunsmith when I say this: As long as Bill Calfee draws a breath, my SPEC rifles will continue to be the absolute finests rimfire benchrest rifles on the face of this planet......I'm sorry, no disrespect to anyone.....I will not allow it to be otherwise......again, I apologize....

Your friend, Bill Calfee

Bill, thanks for your explanation. After I read your first post I feared the worst. I was afraid one of your "little fellers", spec 3, had been lost in combat.
What about another Southern 50's song name "White Lightning".

What about another Southern 50's song name "White Lightning".


Carp that name was already taken. A few years before you started Cecil Smith had a killer 40x that he named that.He had to stop shooting due to cancer but the gun is still around.Jerry
No problem Friend Bill,
I probably was in a hurry and get the last name in. Jim