Team Calfee Book?


Registered User
Does anybody have the cutoff date for ordering these books? I have a buddy in Idaho who wanted to know how long he could wait and still get a copy.
You out there Beau or Douglas? or should I just send him one as a christmas gift?

This is unofficial, there are some orders supposed to be coming from Canada and Australia, but I think the cutoff is December 10.
Lynn didn't pay. I answered a question to the best of my knowledge. But I've seen a heck of a lot more blatant advertising on this board that what's done in this thread.
interest vs. advertising

Guys, I had the same question last night and finally had to track someone down by phone. I felt bad pestering the nice guy who has probably been called 'til his phone melted!

Asking a question and getting an answer is not advertising. If I had that question, I would not be surprised if someone else did too.

Doug and Fred

If you read the classified it doesn't say when the cut off date is it just gives an approximation based on sales.My money is already there and I asked the question for a friend.I didn't realise asking about a rimfire accuracy book from one of the best in the business was not allowed on a rimfire accuracy forum.Maybe you can post what we are to discuss here?

Your from Texas so your excuse for posting anything is already clearly understood.)chill(

My 2 cents

)chill( Wilbur has appointed moderators for the forum. He has also stated a few rules. I dont have a dog in this continuing fight and could care less in general about the rimfire cliques. If Wilbur and his mods leave the stuff alone, why does there always seem to be a few do gooders trying to protect the rest of us. I can choose to read what I want. Some of yall need to get a life.
A friend of mine who is a collector of guns and gun related items wants to buy several of these books since he thinks it will be a low run and they will go up in value, but all he can find is an ad under firearms about taking Paypal and nothing about the book. I think, since it is a business, he wants to send a check. Is there another ad?
look under publications, full ad, says personal checks preferred.
Wilbur Harris

Wilbur I wish we could give out real chill pills here from time to time.I don't know if you ordered up a Calfee book or not yet so if you haven't I would like to send you one free of charge for all your patience.
Lynn aka Waterboy

I thought that was a gracious act of generosity. You are to be applauded. Wilbur has certainly put up with enough of these cry babies to warrant something..


i haen't shot in matches before this year. i was told i was wrong in what i thaught of bill by on of the best this year at a match. the facts are simply this, bill has done more for our sport than anybody else. many call him names. i don't know him and if he sat at my table tonight speaking with me and told me his name was sam and he live in salvisa raising chicken eggs for a living i wouldn't know the difference.

i'm going to order a book myself. i want to read and hear what the man has to say. i'd say there are a great many smith's who are lined up to have his wisdom spilled upon them than what you might think.

like i said you can call him as many names as you want, but name one smith that hasn't took something bill has done and tried to make it beter. every great smith for rimfire out there is only standing on bills shoulders and claiming to be a giant.

bill was born in kentucky. he no longer lives here. he is not a kentuckian and that makes him nobody to me, but he is what other smith's wish they were. the man who started thinking and doing. every other smith is a calfee want to be and they damned well know it.

i'll take a book of his. if he came out with a cook book i'd be first in line for it as damned well.

bill keep kicking ass and make the name you have the best you can.
You had me thinking you were posting a great post until this line."if he came out with a cook book i'd be first in line for it as damned well".
I am a big Calfee supporter because everything he has shown me has worked but I certainly don't want a cookbook with Liverrwurst in it.:p
Wilbur I wish we could give out real chill pills here from time to time.I don't know if you ordered up a Calfee book or not yet so if you haven't I would like to send you one free of charge for all your patience.
Lynn aka Waterboy

I didn't order one and your offer is genuinely appreciated, but I've been more than adequately compensated.