Target Shooter magazine...


New member
is now FREE. Find it at It's a free read and download.

There is an article in the new January issue written by my favorite gun writer about the most accurate bench gun I have ever owned and shot.

Target Shooter is the best replacement I have found for the much maligned and, now, much missed Precision Shooting.

This is a good deal. I always had to pay for Precision Shooting.

Dick Wright
(former Precision Shooting writer)
Thanks for the link. Hope you and the Child Bride are keeping the top up on yer Porsche these days.
Precision Rifleman is...

is now FREE. Find it at It's a free read and download.

There is an article in the new January issue written by my favorite gun writer about the most accurate bench gun I have ever owned and shot.

Target Shooter is the best replacement I have found for the much maligned and, now, much missed Precision Shooting.

This is a good deal. I always had to pay for Precision Shooting.

Dick Wright
(former Precision Shooting writer)

Hi Dick,
The new "Precision Rifleman" magazine from the NBRSA edited and published by Audrey Brown for the NBRSA is sure coming on strong. Not only is it in color, but as the magazine matures, the articles are more and more interesting. You know yourself how hard it is to get the top shooters to write anything, but some of them have produced some fine articles.

I followed your articles in Precision Shooting and alway looked forward to them. Maybe you can give the Precision Rifleman a try. I think you'll find a very friendly staff there.

Virg Howarth
Austin, Tx.
I've talked to Ms. Brown...

and she's a delightful lady. Her magazine is light years better than the last one. Old age and health problems have made it difficult for me to shoot much the last couple of years. I plan on at least visiting the Nationals when they come to Holton. Shooting will depend on how I feel.

See here, Casey... The last time I was at the Shamrock Brady gave me the Peach. (a great honor) I ate it. It was very good. The next thing I knew I was in bed and had no idea how I got there. I'd love to go to the Shamrock again but it's probably not in the cards for this year. Besides the Nats I have to go to the Super Shoot... Bart's getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. He told me I was there when he got his first point and when he got his last point. How kin ya say no to that?

Vince Bottomly from Target Shooter has recruited more American writers including the Bennington brothers (Jim & Jerry) who are two of the best technical men I know.

For what it's worth Billy now lives right down the road from Bart. With those two in cahoots full time, everybody will need to sharpen their game.

Try Target Shooter. The price is right and there's some good stuff in there.
