Target Shooter Magazine Needs Your Help!



Hya Guys,
It’s another month and another issue of the number one Target Shooter Magazine and we need your help.
We would like to hear your views so that we are catering for all Target Shooters out there; whether a weekend plinker or a competition champion.
We will read all letters and although we will not be able to answer all of them we will take into account your points of view and look at how we can make things as good as possible for you the readers.
All you have to do is go the website and click on Customer Service, there you will find an email address to send your letters to.
Watch out for the Christmas addition as we will have a bonanza of gift ideas for yourself of for someone else.
How about an article on the 2011 World Championships in the USA, by the December issue it’ll only be 18 months off.

Ha Ha!!

is there any news yet were in the States the match is going to be held?

Just so you'll feel at home, lets have it at Bristol.
Hya Don,

I think originally it was ment to be held there, the name of the range escapes me for the moment but i herd a wisper that it was going to change venue.

Any thoughts?

I shoot on a one peice hard rest so can't play. I'm out of the loop.
The wrabf is planning an update in Target Shooter Magazine, this should include updates on rules, constitution & 2011 World Champs.

Hya Don,

I think originally it was ment to be held there, the name of the range escapes me for the moment but i herd a wisper that it was going to change venue.

Any thoughts?


The range name you are thinking of may be Kettlefoot?

But you said there is a change in venues? Do you recall the other range or ranges that they are moving it to?
I was told Vegas by a couple of people, but I think it will be on there east coast. I don’t know where, that’s why I asked.

The wrabf is planning an update in Target Shooter Magazine, this should include updates on rules, constitution & 2011 World Champs.

I really thought the above post would suffice till December, hold your horses everyone & wait until I can officially announce venue & date. In the meantime have a look at updated rules & constitution on website

WRABF - President
So all will be revealed about the World Championships in Target Shooter Magazine December 1st??
