Target Shooter Magazine June Issue which is FREE



Just too let to let everyone know, the new issue of Target Shoot Magazine is now available and you can download it with its new easy to use software. Check Target Shooter Magazine website for more details.

Don't forget guys this is a FREE online magazine and you can now downloa it to your desktop to read as when you want to.
If anyone in is interested in advertsing in the magazine then get in contact through the magazine.

Cheers, AndyD
Don't you think spamming multiple forums is a little much? If anything, it probably makes people disinclined to visit the site - I know it does me when I bring up 'Todays Posts' and see the same topic repeatedly listed over and over and over...
i was not sure that everyone would look around other parts of the site, just the area that people are interested in like with it is just Rimfire, sorry if it seemed like spamming as it was not intended to be like that, we just trying to get the word out to all interested.

cheers, AndyD
AndyD ...........

This is the first time I've heard about this new online magazine. Very interesting! I'm always looking to find more shooting related products and articles. However, the targetshooter website (or their server) has some serious technical problems that really slows its download speed. Most of the links on that site just lock up. Is that your website?

If those online problems get resolved, it looks like it might be a good website. It's especially interesting to see shooting related information from outside of the U.S. Maybe you'll have some articles that will help educate American shooters to become more aware of the dangers of becoming complacent with our government. (That would be a timely article.) I hear from many of my customers in the UK and Australia telling how quickly their gun rights were taken away.

- Innovative
Hi Larry,

this is the first time that we have had anyone say that it is slow, maybe it clould be your connection speed or a problem with your service provider as we constanly monitor the site.

maybe try it again.

Cheer, AndyD
Hya Guys, this could be down to the amount of people we have downloading form the site as we have had over 3,500 in the pass couple of days. i would suggest to keep trying maybe later in the week as everyone wants a copy soon as it comes out!

please, please pass on the magazine details to all your friends that shoot as we are tring to make this one of the best magazine going.

many thanks for your support.

I visited several sites yesterday without any problems. Your site was extremely slow at that time. However, it must have been a temporary problem, because it's running fine now. Great website!

- Innovative