Target Shooter Magazine July Issue out NOW!!!



Hya Guys,

This month we have everything you guys love to read about including:

• The top 10 front rests for F Class & benchrest by Vince Bottomley
• DIY wind flags with Carl Boswell
• Shooting and reloading the 303 MkVII bullets with Nigel Greenaway
• Mini Rifle turning-targets by Tim Finley
• Gwyn Roberts goes behind the scenes at the Phoenix Meeting
• Don Brook's takes a look at smallbore prone shooting aiming points
• Shooting black powder with Chris Risebrook
• New GBR action - project rifle with Vince Bottomley
• Part II of the rimfire benchrest custom rifle build by Andy Dubreuil

There's so much more that I can't fit it all on one page..........................
Don't forget the magazine is there all month and all the back issues are available. If the server seems a little slow then come back another day as we have thousands of you trying to get your copy of the only on-line target shooting magazine around and is FREE!!!

Target Shooter Magazine is now on facebook and if you want to joi8n us then look up "Target Shooter Dubreuil" once your login.

Cheers, AndyD

Hya Guys,
If you are on Facebook you can now join us there do a search for Target Shooter Dubreuil and join us today.
