Target Rifle



I was just wondering if anyone is useing the Savage F-Class to shoot bench. I know that its not the top of the line gun to use but im on a closed wallet. I just ordered the 6mmbr norma today. If anyone is useing them, could you tell me what bag your useing, and where should i start my OAL. Thanks, Josh
Just like golf, the fun of benchrest shooting is competeing against yourself. Every improvement feels just like you won the match. Unless you aspire to win tournaments, your competition is learning to be a better shooter and how to improve your loads and your rifle. Enjoy that F-savage.
I agree, I think that is one of the best parts about target shooting and reloading. The next best thing would be getting around a bunch of people to share your passion with. I am 20 years old, married and I am getting ready to have my first child, and finally getting my first bench/target gun, things are going pretty well.
Good luck....

I was just wondering if anyone is useing the Savage F-Class to shoot bench. I know that its not the top of the line gun to use but im on a closed wallet. I just ordered the 6mmbr norma today. If anyone is useing them, could you tell me what bag your useing, and where should i start my OAL. Thanks, Josh

At a little over 13lbs, your rifle may just make weight to compete in HV competition. It'll be close though. However, participating in a few matches will teach you more about gun handling, reloading, and reading conditions than anything else you will ever do in your shooting career. The caliber you've chosen is used often in 600yd benchrest as well.

Good luck with your new rifle and...have at it!

sounds like life is good- congrats on all those accounts. now go to some matches and get to learning. try some score shoots to get the blood flowing and find you a good used bench gun. shoots are the best place to find one.
I was just wondering if anyone is useing the Savage F-Class to shoot bench. I know that its not the top of the line gun to use but im on a closed wallet. I just ordered the 6mmbr norma today. If anyone is useing them, could you tell me what bag your useing, and where should i start my OAL. Thanks, Josh

Hey Josh,

Several people shot one in the benchrest match I was at last weekend. It's a good rifle for 200 yards when the wind starts blowing.

The stock has a very wide bottom on it maybe 7/8" wide. If you contact Protektor they will make you a bag to fit your stock. I would go with the Doctor bag, mid ears and probably about 4 stitch wide. Fill the bag with heavy sand and put play sand in the ears.

Try starting .010 or .015 into the lands and work back from there. I shoot my 30br .020 into the lands and my 6br. 017 off the lands. You'll just have to play with it too find where yours shoots the best.