Harry Fuller
Widespread reports of pellet point of impact paper tears, POIPT or TPTS, leading to inflated scores, may perhaps be able to be controlled at the root cause. Current efforts are being directed towards more sophisticated scoring methods to deal with the problem rather than attacking the root cause/s some of which may be the results of deliberate gamesmanship. This reporter has been approached to release this informal report.
The US based Bayou Ballistics Research Team, BBRT, in collaboration with The DownUnder DIY Laboratory, DUDIYL, have been operating undercover at shooting ranges in recent months and also monitoring AFs, Airgun Forums/Fora, and have observed a significant increase in PRS or "Paper Rupture Syndrome"/ POIPT/ TPTS.
"This is indeed in itself disquieting and if allowed to go unchecked could encourage technological carpetbagging for profit, TCFP, if it is not nipped in the bud", say the BBRT and DUDIYL in a joint release.
This has led to the BBRT and DUDIYL suggesting these proactive steps for Match Directors, MDs, and rank and file PRSSAPs, PRS Self Appointed Police's consideration:
1. Have all targets frames angled at 1/30th degree or 2 MOA, Minutes of Angle, positive to the SLOS, Shooting Line of Sight, (to best ensure pellets arrive perpendicular to the target in the sagittal plane); and square to the descending pellet in the frontal plane. This to ensure pellets with NSF, Normal Stable Flight, will make essentially round holes and not cause PRS.
2. If (1) above is not possible, due to lack of necessary laser and goniometer instrumentation, then the use of a simple spirit level or plumb line to erect target frames to pure vertical orientation may suffice to encourage TTC, Target Tear Consistency (notes on WTs, Wind Tears, and PTs, Precession Tears, below notwithstanding).
3. Spot check, SP, for the use of competition pellets that have obvious skirt abnormalities such as pinched, creased or crushed skirts; pellet heads with flat spots or other dings and creases; or any other abnormality which may have been deliberately chosen or modified to cause in-flight precession, IFP, and which may therefore encourage APOI, Angled Point of Impact, and PT with consequent PRS.
4. When testing rifles for muzzle velocity, MV, and muzzle energy and therefore ME, be suspicious of any rifle/pellet combination that is shooting at VLV, Very Low Velocity, especially at sub 350 fps which may also encourage PRS (according to interpretation of J V Poncelet's conclusions). You may not wish to disqualify such rifle but perhaps run an SP for (3) above at the shooting line and if a P, Positive, is found then issue a warning and check that shooter's card for UPRS, Unacceptable PRS (criteria TBE).
5. Wind induced WTs, WIWT, are hard to regulate against because wind may effect a yaw on any pellet, stable or otherwise, which may lead to POIPT. The BBRT and DUDIIYL had no specific recommendation here.
6. MDs, SOs,Safety Officers, and PRSSAPs should be ever watchful and report any shooter employing the LOTTF. LOTTF "Leaning on The Target Frame" to change its attitude to the incoming pellets should result in mandatory disqualification, Md by the MD.
As a proactive spinoff the BayouBRT suggested that following the above procedures may inhibit the proliferation of a plethora of electrical, electronic and magnetic hardware and software scoring devices specifically aimed at capitalizing on the PRP syndrome by Northerners attracted by the TCFP enterprise.
However, the DUDIYL, being OZ based, indicated they did NOT have a position on North / South USA relations and being also established in a land where capital enterprise is encouraged, felt if there is a quid to be made on home soil then have at it.
Apology: This reporter does not have a natural predisposition towards the use of acronyms ( which run feral elsewhere and in the US, but not in OZ where the toilet water etc ) and so apologizes if acronym protocol may have been violated. ... HGF.
The US based Bayou Ballistics Research Team, BBRT, in collaboration with The DownUnder DIY Laboratory, DUDIYL, have been operating undercover at shooting ranges in recent months and also monitoring AFs, Airgun Forums/Fora, and have observed a significant increase in PRS or "Paper Rupture Syndrome"/ POIPT/ TPTS.
"This is indeed in itself disquieting and if allowed to go unchecked could encourage technological carpetbagging for profit, TCFP, if it is not nipped in the bud", say the BBRT and DUDIYL in a joint release.
This has led to the BBRT and DUDIYL suggesting these proactive steps for Match Directors, MDs, and rank and file PRSSAPs, PRS Self Appointed Police's consideration:
1. Have all targets frames angled at 1/30th degree or 2 MOA, Minutes of Angle, positive to the SLOS, Shooting Line of Sight, (to best ensure pellets arrive perpendicular to the target in the sagittal plane); and square to the descending pellet in the frontal plane. This to ensure pellets with NSF, Normal Stable Flight, will make essentially round holes and not cause PRS.
2. If (1) above is not possible, due to lack of necessary laser and goniometer instrumentation, then the use of a simple spirit level or plumb line to erect target frames to pure vertical orientation may suffice to encourage TTC, Target Tear Consistency (notes on WTs, Wind Tears, and PTs, Precession Tears, below notwithstanding).
3. Spot check, SP, for the use of competition pellets that have obvious skirt abnormalities such as pinched, creased or crushed skirts; pellet heads with flat spots or other dings and creases; or any other abnormality which may have been deliberately chosen or modified to cause in-flight precession, IFP, and which may therefore encourage APOI, Angled Point of Impact, and PT with consequent PRS.
4. When testing rifles for muzzle velocity, MV, and muzzle energy and therefore ME, be suspicious of any rifle/pellet combination that is shooting at VLV, Very Low Velocity, especially at sub 350 fps which may also encourage PRS (according to interpretation of J V Poncelet's conclusions). You may not wish to disqualify such rifle but perhaps run an SP for (3) above at the shooting line and if a P, Positive, is found then issue a warning and check that shooter's card for UPRS, Unacceptable PRS (criteria TBE).
5. Wind induced WTs, WIWT, are hard to regulate against because wind may effect a yaw on any pellet, stable or otherwise, which may lead to POIPT. The BBRT and DUDIIYL had no specific recommendation here.
6. MDs, SOs,Safety Officers, and PRSSAPs should be ever watchful and report any shooter employing the LOTTF. LOTTF "Leaning on The Target Frame" to change its attitude to the incoming pellets should result in mandatory disqualification, Md by the MD.
As a proactive spinoff the BayouBRT suggested that following the above procedures may inhibit the proliferation of a plethora of electrical, electronic and magnetic hardware and software scoring devices specifically aimed at capitalizing on the PRP syndrome by Northerners attracted by the TCFP enterprise.
However, the DUDIYL, being OZ based, indicated they did NOT have a position on North / South USA relations and being also established in a land where capital enterprise is encouraged, felt if there is a quid to be made on home soil then have at it.
Apology: This reporter does not have a natural predisposition towards the use of acronyms ( which run feral elsewhere and in the US, but not in OZ where the toilet water etc ) and so apologizes if acronym protocol may have been violated. ... HGF.
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