Target measuring


Andy Cross

Hi Guys it's Andy again.

When I got out of BR shooting about 18 years ago they were using a somewhat crude method of measuring targets with a pair of calipers fitted with a magnifying plexiglass reticule system. Having recently returned to the sport many things have changed. Except for the method of target measuring.

Surely there must have been some developments I am not aware of. As an optical engineer I thought of scanning the targets at very high resolution then developing software to calculate the group size. Back then the cost of the components was so prohibitive I couldn't afford to develop it. Has anyone done this yet ? There must be something more accurate and faster than the method I see being used.

Andy, until you figure out a way to make OCR less density sensitive, a very accurately used reticle and a good caliper is still the best way to measure a group. there is not the optical recognition out there yet that will rival the human brain. At least as far as I am aware of.
Using “On Target” and almost any budget scanner ($50 to $100), which everybody has anyway, you can achieve precision measurements of +/- 0.001” with a 600 dpi scan.

This, with the high magnification and other tools available with “On Target”….results in the reticule/caliper measuring tools being left far behind in any comparison of accuracy.
