target measuring calipers


I posted this same question on the cf board by mistake, but I am looking for a outlet that sells the modified calipers (12") for measuring groups, a clear plastic piece fixed to them with the different bullet sizes etched and a brass spring loaded punch to hold the calipers in place on the target.
Thanks, Ron Tilley
Group Measuring

Check with Leonard Baity in Wilkesboro, NC. He has made several sets on a 6" caliper with a plastic attachment. Light and easy to move on the target.
Group Measuring device

I posted this same question on the cf board by mistake, but I am looking for a outlet that sells the modified calipers (12") for measuring groups, a clear plastic piece fixed to them with the different bullet sizes etched and a brass spring loaded punch to hold the calipers in place on the target.
Thanks, Ron Tilley

I think what you want is listed here on Benchrest Central
Go to Benchrest Central home (1st) page
on the left side highlighted in red is categories
Scroll down to Dies--then
Go to Neil Jones Custoim Products
At the bottom of his home page in smaller print is measuring devices
Pictured is his unit that goes on standard calipers but he also makes a unit that goes on electronic calipers
His phone,e-mail etc is at the top of his home page
I have used both and are excellent at our matches past 6 years

Also I think R G Hart company makes these also
Hope this helps