Tacoma Sam Wilson/Sniper King


We shot the match last weekend. 3 days of 10 and 5 shot UNL shooting. We started out on Friday with the Washington ST 10 shot match. On Saturday we shot the UNL 10 shot double 200 matches for the Sniper King Trophy and finished out the weekend with the Washington ST UNL 5 shot match. We had several shooters come up from the far south and it turned out they brought some great weather with them (great for us up here). We had sunshine all weekend and fair to mild conditions. Eric Stanton shot a possible world record grand agg in the 5 shot match on Sunday. Rick Graham took home the oldest trophy in benchrest by taking the Sniper King with a 10 shot 200 yrd group of .309. This trophy was started back in 1943 and has been contested every year since. It's for the smallest 10 shot group shot in a year up here in Washington. It has a lot of great names on it and it's a real honor to have your name placed among them. The Sam Wilson Trophy was taken by Gary Ocock by shooting a great 2 gun agg of .1981. Gary was using one of the new Marsh actions. Great fun was had by all with tall tails and lots of good info shared all weekend. We had a baraque on Saturday night and need to thank Teresa for the great salads she made up. We also need to thank the stat and target crews and Jeff Lewis and Jim for running the firing line.


  • July 6,7 and 8th 2012.xlsx
    16.2 KB · Views: 260
  • July 6,7 and 8th 2012.pdf
    183.3 KB · Views: 257
  • July 6,7 and 8th 2012 double 200.pdf
    175.3 KB · Views: 233
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Here are a couple pictures from the match

Gary Ocock- Sam Wilson WinnerSamWilsontrophy_IMG_2717 SM.jpg

Rick Graham(center) - Sniper King winner SniperKing_IMG_2711 SM.jpg
Gary Ocock(left) Mark Walker (right)
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