Tacoma Labor Day Shoot


Tacoma held the last match of the year over the Labor Day weekend. Weather was fabulous all week end with the temps starting around 50 in the morning with the highs near 80. Conditions were light to moderate. I’ve attached the WA ST 3 gun results. Rick Graham won it shooting very consistently all weekend. The close of the season found us tallying up the scores for the shooter of the year for the NW. Showing the same consistency all year found Rick Graham coming up with the most points for the Bat Trophy.
We had a BBQ on Sunday evening. A great time was had by all. We would also like to give a big thanks for the donations of prizes by Bartlien Barrels, Benchmark Barrels, Brux Barrels, Berger Bullets, Bishop Bullets, Russ Haydon’s Shooters Supply, Bruno’s Shooter’s Supply, Graham Wind Flags, Steve Kostanich, Turks Head, L.E. Wilson, Shilen Rifles Inc., Edgewood Shooting Bags and Sinclair International.
Copying what I’ve seen Gary Ocock do with his target crews we held a match for the target crew, range master and stat girl. We let them shoot one target for the smallest group. We had several contributors for a money prize that amounted to $90.00. A 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize was handed out. We had 5 shooters that contributed the guns and ammo for the shoot. Ken Crouse would shoot the smallest group with Jim Silverton coming in 2nd and Caitlin Feeley taking 3rd place honors. All three of those groups were in the ones. Good shooting (It kind of makes you question your bench technic when someone shoots your gun and shoots a .141 group, which was way smaller that you could do for 2 days!!!). Well at least I have something to work on this winter. We would like to thanks all those who run the matches and make them happen here: Mustafa Bilal, Jeff Lewis, Jim Silverton, Craig Kensler, Caitlin Feeley, Justin Belonus and Ken Crouse.



  • WA ST 3 Gun SEPT 2012 HV.pdf
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  • WA ST 3 Gun SEPT 2012.pdf
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  • WA ST 3 Gun SEPT 2012.xlsx
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Congratulations to all, and especially Rick. You guys always hold a great shoot. Hope that I can make it back up there someday.
