Tack driving 22lr for hunting



I am having a lot more fun small game hunting. I am looking for a rifle with a peep sight that is very accurate. MY goal is 75-100 yard heat shots on squirrel and rabbit. My plan was to use a 22lr rifle with a 75 yard zero, instead of the typical 50 yard. I would like to spend under $600 for it, if possible. Target is like 1 to 1.5" diameter. IS this too much for the 22lr, or should I jump up to a 22wmr. A mild load of 22 hornet might be too much though.

My current rifle is a remington 522 viper. I have done consistent 50 yard shots with a lyman peep. 70 yards seems to be a hit or miss.

Interests so far
-CZ 452 military trainer
-Savage Mark II FVT

Don;t care for looks, just want good performance. I also prefer to have a magazine fed rifle, rather than bolt action.
100 yard head shots on squirrels? Come on man? Get a scope or stalk a little closer. If you can see well enough to see a squirrels head at 100 yards, and without use of a scope you got bionic vision and are way ahead of the rest of us.

I used to hit thumbtacks with a homemade slingshot. Was hard to attach irons sights to it.
Yeah Fred, I used to shoot hand thrown rimfire brass in the air with an open sighted 241 remington but that was a long time ago:)

Yes this forum is aimed at the BR crowd, but I will respond to the question. As far as I'm concerned, the .22 is not what you want at 100 yds and open sights are a no-no.
What works for me is An Anschutz 1717 HB in .17 HMR, wearing a V-16 Weaver. The tragetory is nearly flat out to 125 yds. I have fired a .686 group with it at 100 yds, benched.
My opinion, every one has one!

For the record, I was NOT being snobby to the man asking the question. He wants a rifle cabable of shooting squirrels and rabbits in the head with iron sights out to 100 yards for under 600 bucks. Soooo, you didn't answer his question either. I told him to get scope or walk, or crawl, or whatever, to get closer. I did answer his question, just wasn't the answer he was looking for.
tack drivers, i hear that phrase all the time...well it all depends on jest how
friggen big the head of the tack IS:eek::D
If you have decent eyesight, you do not need a scope. Of that there is no question. You do need a very good barrel and you probably need a very good tang sight.

A Winchester low wall can do it (along with quite a few other singleshots), but the originals are much more expensive and the new ones are pretty hit and miss for accuracy with the best of them rarely getting into the realm that you need for what you want to do.

For your dollar, I would recommend a Martini in one of several configurations as your best bet by about a country mile. A good 1215 or a model 12 or any of a couple of others will do it. And they should (but may not) have an original tang sight as standard equipment. Many of the 1215's were relined by Parker Hale as British club rifles. They are very accurate if in decent condition (consider a new crowning job maybe). Parker Hale relines are so stamped ON THE CROWN. I highly recommend them.

There are other Martinis that will also fit the bill. An International II through IV will get the job done with room to spare in the accuracy department. They also should have the target iron sights standard.

The down side to all the martinis is that they lack safeties. They are hammerless, so there is no half cock. But a safety can be retrofitted by inventive smiths easily if that is an issue (or you could carry with the block dropped, action open).

One other thing about Martini .22s. The ones that will be of most interest will have a hole in the back of the receiver and the base of the rear sight so you can, with little trouble remove the block/trigger assembly, and run a cleaning rod through from the rear.

I eventually graduated from a Martini 1215 to a custom lowwall with a 17" back bored Lilja barrel. It is used with titanium short-fall speed hammer, MVA vernier sights or any of a number of Unertl and Fecker scopes that are removable in an instant. It is easily accurate on squirrels out to 100 yds if the light is good. That last part is the issue however.

A CZ 452 that will allow the mounting of a set of peep sights that are available from Brnoman. All the info you need can be found at rimfirecentral.com in the CZ forum.

For the record, I was NOT being snobby to the man asking the question. He wants a rifle cabable of shooting squirrels and rabbits in the head with iron sights out to 100 yards for under 600 bucks. Soooo, you didn't answer his question either. I told him to get scope or walk, or crawl, or whatever, to get closer. I did answer his question, just wasn't the answer he was looking for.

I just assumed he had some freakin huge squirrels out his way.
Must be? All we ahve here are small gray squirrels and they're in heavy timber. A head shot would have to fall into a 3/4" circle 'cause hitting 'em around the edges and ears don't count:) Hard to see a deer at 100 yards, much less a squirrel hereabouts. I'd forgotten about those mega squirrels elsewhere:) My fault. Have a Merry Christmas!
I know this does not answer the question but I have always been a rifle squirrel hunter. My rifle was a Remington 552 auto with a scope...that was until I got my CZ-452 American in 17 mach 2. Drops squirrels like a lazer. Don't know about the open site thing....you are a whole lot better than me.

Yeah Charlie, I like squirrel hunting too and got several squirrel rifles. one of 'em is a 52 Winchester custom stocked sporter, 3 oz trigger, hand lapped barrel, and another is a Kimber Classic with a hand lapped barrel, 4 oz trigger, and a Shepherd 3-10X40 scope. Got several more nice ones, NSS522, 541-S Remington, 52-B Win. sporter. But darned if I could see how to shoot a squirrel in the head at 100 yards. I could see the squirrel if he was skylined with a naked eye, but couldn't see how to place a front sight on his head. My eyes aren't what they used to be, but they're 20/20 with glasses.
I had no intention of posing this on this board, but since the door has been opened and there is some good response, what the heck. I have a 40X receiver with a kiff bolt and a brand new factory trigger. i see brownells has a Wood Plus 700 stock for <$100, says finished and drop-in. I was thinking a short sikinny sporter barrel. The action, bolt, trigger weigh 1lb1oz, the stock says 2lb2oz, don't know how much the barrel would weigh. What do you guys think, would I have a pretty neat squirrel rifle? Thanks, Douglas
It definitely would work, but it would bust the OP's original budget. Aperture sights for a bolt rifle always seem problematic also, but scoping it would be simple enough.
Brent, I don't mean for the OP, i'm thinking about this for myself. Thanks, Douglas
I realized that and it looks like a really good plan. I'm a traditional singleshot guy so I know less about the set up you are looking.
