


I have a swindlehurst action that after firing for awhile starts to hang fire. Ithought I had trigger problems so I put in a new jewel trigger. still have the same .problem. I think the problem is between the cocking piece and the back of the bolt body. Can't figure out how to disassemble the bolt. Can anyone help me with this problem? Disassembling of bolt would be helpfull. Have a shoot tomorrow.
You have to turn the shroud until the spring pressure is relieved and then drift the pin out through the shroud and slide it, the guide inside, and rear 1/2 of the bolt off.
When you reassemble, reverse order and give the shroude a push the compress the spring slightly until the holes line up. You may require a small slave pin.
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The first thing I'd check is the firing pin slot on the bottom of the bolt. The FP is exposed and the channel it runs in is suspectable to getting dirty from firing resuidue, wax residue and just general crud and will begin to cause FP drag. It has to be kept clean to get consistent ignition.
It should be noted that if you simply undock the bolt the pin can swing up enough to clean it and its channel.
Bolt cleaning.

Please: Not to detract from the previous good advice, Should you be pressed for time, or simply choose not to dissasemble your bolt, a soaking with " spray gun scrubber" and a good shot of compressed air will remove the contamanition that could slow down your firing pin travle. When I do this, I follow with a light oiling with "Kroil" and some bolt grease on the cocking piece,and or lug's. If you use the " benchrite" bolt body lube, it works great in all of the outside areas. Good luck! Ed.