Swaging Preferences


Andy Cross

To all those BR shooters on the forum who swage their own projectiles. If you were investing in a new set of swaging dies who would you have make them if $ was not an issue. Also just as importantly why ?
Thanks in advance
There are some good threads in the archives if you can find them. Here's a start and there's another link in the thread.


It's kinda' tetchy ground, look at it this way..... if you asked the same question and substituted "barrel" for swaging dies, how could you answer it without someone being offended? (I'm not saying anyone SHOULD be offended, I'm just sayin'.)


That said, I hope you get some honest replies.

Like buying a car

Yeah I can relate to what you are saying. It's a bit like buying a car. A reasonable chunk of money to spend and you don't want to finish up with a lemon. You might get hundreds of replys from people who own the model car your interested in who love them. But it is the hundreds of others who owned one and would never own another that you need to hear from. Of cause they won't ever post anything because they're scared they might upset someone.
The thread tells a lot about bullet dies.
Two that I use are Detsch and Simonson. Simonsons are no longer available/
One other that some people are useing is Ulrich I haven't used any but one bullet maker i know swears by them.
The reason I use Detsch? Great service and high quality. I have 4 sets and can honestly say that David have never disapointed me for quality or service.
There are two criteria that come to mind. Making the die somewhat close to your specs and the bullet eject from the die by normal means - the latter being the most important. Call Bart Sauter or Brady Knight and they'll give you the straight skinny. Whatever Cale sent you in that PM is likely accurate as well.