

I was watching some videos about oil filter suppressors. So it made me start thinking......if chamber pressures are 50K psi plus, how much pressure is there at the muzzle? Kind of amazing that those filters don't come apart.
Hi rflshootr, I have heard the same thing .The pressure at the muzzle is in the area of 4000-5000 psi on the smaller centerfire calibers such is 22 cal - 6 mm and on the 7mm-30 cal magnums the presure is in the area of 14000-17000 psi.On a highpowered rifle I would bet if the filter case did not explode the bullet could come out the side.just like a 200+lb wild bore I had to shoot at my feet as it charged me a couple of years ago.Caught me off gaurd while deer hunting and all I had was my 30-06 loaded thank god.Never ran backwards so fast in my life ,I had to shoot it straight down at my feet in the center of it's head right between the eyes .The bullet traveled through the pigs body and exited out the hind quarter right next to it's tail. I am lucky the bullet did not come back at me .Every since then I carry my 44 mag pistol and keep close to a tree I can climb fast.[lol] An oil filter suppressor is just a disaster waiting to happen.

Tim in Tx
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I saw a video on these and wondered if/how they could possibly work since the bullet had to make it's own exit hole apparently. Not my idea of fun.

are NFA regulated, commercially made or improvised. Stiff fines and criminal charges for playing with an unlicensed one FWIW.
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The permit to have a suppressor is 200.00 per suppressor. Form 1 if you make your own or a form 4 to purchase one from a maker.CONSULT THE BATF FOR DETAILS.Right now the wait is about 6-9 months on applications. It sure beats going to jail.They also make great tuners as well if constructed properly and in Texas it is now legal to hunt with a supressor if the proper permit is in order and must be on your person if the suppressor is being used just like a hunting permit. If you have a larger hunting caliber and do not need a brake it is really is not worth it because 75-80% of the noise you hear is the bullet breaking the sound barrier with the muzzle blast being 20% with a normal muzzle 25% with a brake of what you hear,so if it is a 22cal it will be noticably quieter when suppressed [more like a pop]compaired to a 30 cal but hearing damage can still result from the lesser of the two. A big 7mm-30 cal bullet breaking the sound barrier is so loud that you will swear that even the best suppressors are not even working . Tim in Tx
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I agree with tim..... our state too has legalized suppressors for hunting and a bunch of my friends have them. The issues with supersonic ammo are real, hence I've just taken recpt of a whole schmear of 750-850gr bullets :) from dead-soft lead to machined boreriders. I'll tell you what.... at 850gr even 1000fps will knock the tar outta' you! I'm playing with low-velocity brakes.

I think hunting without hearing protection is a whole new ballgame and in the meantime pulling the trigger on a gong, tink-KLANGG!! is wicked cool.
