
John Kielly

Shari's fan club
Man, those Bronchos have sure grabbed the reciprocating bit of an internal combustion engine. Can't remember such a one sided first half in recent times.
I admit I picked Denver, but they (Denver) looked worse than the Vikings did this season. Seattle gets my hat for schooling Denver......
Totally a one-sided final score too! I knew Denver was in serious trouble when they botched the first play.

Who knew--Even a Manning can blow it!!
Man, those Bronchos have sure grabbed the reciprocating bit of an internal combustion engine. Can't remember such a one sided first half in recent times.

Yes, and for whomever is a Broncos fan, the 2nd half didn't get looking too much prettier either. I think most of us knew it was all but over by the beginning of the 2nd half with that Kick Return.
Yeahhh, I live here...... one of my guys already called in sick for tomorrow. A large percentage the state will call in sick tomorrow...gonna' be an expensive game for businesses in WA!

Worst blowout in my 36yrs of watching Superbowls.

Boring game.
Ya know it's a sick world when the last surprisingly good halftime show you remember was that idiot Jackson kid, the squeeky liddle brother from the Jackson 5....... what was his name.... was it Michael?? The one that walked funny.....And then a few yrs later his sister made a mess....
Yes it was one sided

but I loved it...........

It proves you can have a record setting year but if you cannot finish what you started...................

I laughed at the expression on Mannings face when played in Slow Mo as the snapped ball went past his head.

Just like Bench Rest. You can have that record setting group but a group does not win you an Agg or 2-Gun.

Well done Seahawks...............

Way to go coach....................
I`m a Seahawks fan, and this was great to put an exclamation mark on our season! Even better in the fashion we did. That was a royal asswhoooppin.

I think the halftime show was classy, kind of a tip of the cap to Motown, if you will.
Bruno Mars may not be a household name in the benchrest crowds, but, he has skills.
As do the Chili Peppers, and neither of them was lipsyncing! There is a reason they were there.
Check out Super Bowl XXIV

For the spread, loosing team and loosing team QB. That game had the biggest spread ever! Greg
Great game

All of the expert commentators had the Denver Broncos No. 1 offense, favored to win the game. Suppose to be the greatest game ever played in a Super Bowl. Peyton Manning would emerge as the greatest Quarterback of all Time. They just forgot that the Seattle Seahawks had the best defense in the NFL. and a desire to prove the predictions wrong. Game didn’t live up to the predictions. Manning was exposed as just another Quarterback,when facing a stifling defense. Seattle put an old fashion arse whooping on Denver. I loved it. Watched every second.

I just hope..

That I had the right numbers on that board I bought into....laid out Friday and didn't get a copy. Would have been a good thing to have zero for one of the numbers! Will know in a few hours......that I didn't have the right numbers.
Probably the first Stupid Bowl game in 25 years I watched every play. I enjoy watching good defense. I did not expect the Bronco's offense to lay down like they did.

If Bud had run the puppy commercial earlier in the game I'd have gone to bed after. I waited for it. bob
So so running game for Denver

Put a Jim Brown or a Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid combo in the backfield and that would change the complexion of the team. Only speculation mind you.
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Yes.....the game was indeed one sided and kind of boring. But awww come-on ...... the half time show was good!

Even for a 60 year old stick in the mud like me who doesn't drink, dance, or party, it was hard not to enjoy seeing that kid from mars doing that fast James Brown foot work and generally being very charismatic. And as much as I hate the degenerate style and lyric of the majority of the rockers and rappers over the last quarter century, you have to really be old not to have felt the driving rhythm and beat of those pepper guys who blew the roof of of the stadium and had the fans totally absorbed and shaking and baking along with them.
Yes.....the game was indeed one sided and kind of boring. But awww come-on ...... the half time show was good!

Even for a 60 year old stick in the mud like me who doesn't drink, dance, or party, it was hard not to enjoy seeing that kid from mars doing that fast James Brown foot work and generally being very charismatic. And as much as I hate the degenerate style and lyric of the majority of the rockers and rappers over the last quarter century, you have to really be old not to have felt the driving rhythm and beat of those pepper guys who blew the roof of of the stadium and had the fans totally absorbed and shaking and baking along with them.

Well, I'm 73 and I love music, just didn't hear any. Kept waiting to hear some kind of melody, but that was for naught. I've always loved Mellisa Manchester. You can understand every syllable of every word when she sings.
It would've been fitting to have Ozzie do Paranoid for Manning at half time. Bruno Mars is NOT Earth Wind and Fire though.....