Super Shoot Winning Agg

Stephen Perry

New member
OK I can take the heat always have on Benchrest Central why stop now. Send out the narythwells and dogs I am going to forecast the winning 2 day agg at the Super shoot.

I have never shot the Super Shoot yet. Had some oppurtunities but the logistics of a 2700 mile trip from So Cal has always held me back. From all the Posting I've done some of you know I shot the 1977 NBRSA Nats at Kelbly's. Smaller venue back then totally enjoyed myself spent half my life savings that year buying my new BR gun and all the shooting stuff to go with it and financing my trip. I was 27 back then going to College back then working 3 jobs and buying a house. But to use a slang term I was stoked about shooting with all the BR names that I had read about since 1971, my first reading in Rifle magazine about BR. I knew all the names and met most of them. Shared a fold out loading table with Harold Broughton all week, he won the 3 gun in 1977 using a 6x47 for all classes a first in Nat's history. Ron Hoehn won in 1978 at Midland with the same combo Harold used the year before, 6x47 in all 3 classes, only 2 shooters if I remember right competing with a PPC at the Nats in 1977, now you couldn't find one 6x47 at the last Nats. Now the PPC does the same most every year.

Well I shot the whole week some rain some wind storms lots of good smelling Hoppes and gun powder as Patton would say 'I was born to be there'. But time takes it's toll on finances and family and the best I have been able to do since then is shoot as far back East as St Louis Nat's twice. I've shot Raton at several Nat's, Midland Nat's, Phoenix Nat's twice and hope to make Kansas City but Kelbly's has not been in the cards the last couple years. One thing I'm getting tired of flying and have my equipment torn apart by TSA, airport security, and trying to figure how to transport my Rail Gun when flying to the Nat's. Super Shoot is a bag gun event I know that. What I'm saying if I can't drive to a Nat's I probably will not go. Kansas City and maybe St Louis I figure can drive.

Alright let's play with the numbers for this years Super Shoot. I have shot most every Cactus Shoot since 1995. Winning 2 gun agg is most generally .24-.25. Last couple years winning 2 gun, 3gun, 4 gun aggs around the Country have been able to lower that .24-25 agg at most Major Shoots to several .1 aggs . Fine, but in BR during certain times of the year, given adverse weather, .24-.25 agg does well at multi class Shoots like the Super Shoot. I watch the weather every year during the Super Shoot. Looks calm at Kelbly's right now but the upper Mid West can change quickly in May. I shot at Kelbly's in the end of July. The end of the Summer most times has light rains and manageable wind. May, as seen in the Mid West, can be monsoon weather. So all my tidy shooting buds going to Ohio take some rain gear and a couple good sweaters. When George greets you to Sunny Ohier he doesn't care what the weather is. Call to the line means what he says. No slackers at the Super Shoot, shoot the group or die on the vine no matter if rain or wind blows you off the bench. Been there done that at St Louis, Midland, Kelbly's, Phoenix, Raton, all Nat's enjoyed every one of them. If the weather holds as now, which is unlikely, possibly .22-.23 4 day agg at the Super Shoot. Talked to Ron Hoehn Saturday he wants me to shoot the East-West this year thinking about it but if I go might drive.

So that's my assessment of possible winning Super Shoot agg, for the whole thing, all 4 days. Let's check when the Super Shoot is over.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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Hi Stephen
I am sitting at Kelbly's right now and there is no wind, the rain is keeping it away. There is a few here already and a lot of shooters have come in, drop their trailer off and gone back home. Me I am here for the haul, not for the trophys, yea right!!
Bill Gammon

Do some fishing while your waiting for your shooting stool to dry off. You almost got the place to yourself. What a life Kebly's all alone without much BS to step on. Best to you Bill during the Shoot. Ooye!

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Bill an John have been there a couple weeks already, ask them how long they will stay AFTER the match. Bill, you an John do well this year!!

Jeff Aberegg
Poor Stephen

He is now 60...:rolleyes::confused::eek:
Just think Stephen in 2-5 years you will be retired and then you can go and spend all the time you want there...;) .... well it sounds good anyway, hehehhe.
Put it on your calendar and see what happens.
Hope it works out for you.
Hi Stephen
I am sitting at Kelbly's right now and there is no wind, the rain is keeping it away. There is a few here already and a lot of shooters have come in, drop their trailer off and gone back home. Me I am here for the haul, not for the trophys, yea right!!

Hey Gammon, remember the year I was camped above the pond (before George put the back road in) and the big storm came up about midnight? Funniest thing I saw, looking out my back window was you trying to tie your awning back down! See ya' Thrsday!!
OK. After Day 1 any predicters of things to come at the Super Shoot. Any good shooters that look like they are capable of making a move on the family name shooters ? Check again after Day 2.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR