Super Shoot Warmup


ER P. M.
Attention Competitors; Many of us are making plans for the annual trip to the Super Shoot. If you are going to be in Ohio May 16 &17, the weekend before the Super Shoot, the Chippewa R.C. will be holding a registered match just 7 1/2 miles N.W. of Kelbly's. We would encourage you to come and try our challenging range. There is no better way too practice than to shoot a match, be sure your gun is ready for the S.S.
If you have an interest, but need transportation from Kelblys, it can be arranged. Information will be posted at Kelbly's.

In addition, this year we will be offering some incentives to try our match. First; we will offer a cash reward for any shooter who breaks our existing range records, for single five shot groups, both classes and both yardages; and for each five target agg, 25$ for each new record set.
Second; many of you may not be aware that one determined Texas shooter has dominated this match. Anyone who shot the nationals at Holton can relate to his skills. but we believe winning the two gun 5 years in a row is enough.
Therefore, we will be offering a "Beat Bukys Bounty" No extra fees, no special sign-up, just show us that you can beat his two gun agg. and you will win back your entry fee. One winner, complete with Bragging rights.
Anybody got what it takes ? for range info and pictures see our Website :
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Thats all you need to do is give Gene even more incentive to win a sixth time, he is tough enough to beat now and then you give him more incentive to win again! Brilliant, and good luck with that one.

Soo, Gene

I guess it would only be fair to include you in the bounty... It would be nice if you could bring one new shooter along.
Maybe even another Texas gent , so we can share some Yankee hospitality with them too. Or maybe, we could find out if its something in the water down there ?