Sunday at Raton


Bryan Armatys
Heavy Varmint 200
Charles Huckeba .2534 and small group .220
Larry Baggett .2649
Jim Erickson .2739
Don Mulhall .2833
Bryan Armatys .2880

Light Varmint 200
Jim Bawden .2532
Mike Cordes .2815 and small group .238
Lester Bruno .2928
Dean Thomas .2943
Roy Damron .2969

HV Grand
Jim Erickson .2388
Bryan Armatys .2595
Larry Baggett .2724
Charles Huckeba .2766
Lester Bruno .2919

LV Grand
Jim Bawden .2277
Charles Huckeba .2575
Mike Cordes .2632
Larry Baggett .2809
Lester Bruno .2965

The 2 Gun went to Charles Huckeba with a .2670
Hope I got the stats right
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So, Bryan, are

Heavy Varmint 200
Charles Huckeba .2534 and small group .220
Larry Baggett .2649
Jim Erickson .2739
Don Mulhall .2833
Bryan Armatys .2880

Light Varmint 200
Jim Bawden .2532
Mike Cordes .2815 and small group .238
Lester Bruno .2928
Dean Thomas .2943
Roy Damron .2969

HV Grand
Jim Erickson .2388
Bryan Armatys .2595
Larry Baggett .2724
Charles Huckeba .2766
Lester Bruno .2919

LV Grand
Jim Bawden .2277
Charles Huckeba .2575
Mike Cordes .2632
Larry Baggett .2809
Lester Bruno .2965

The 2 Gun went to Charles Huckeba with a .2670
Hope I got the stats right

The flags making any more sense?


David, the flags are GREAT. Plus I've overcome some fobias about shooting in less than perfect conditions. Thanks
It was good to make your acquaintance Bryan. Thanks for the water under the bag tip. It was actually easier to pull my Jon Loh rest off the bench than it was my rear bag!:) That darn bench 65 needs the hump cut off of it so your bags don't get high centered.:eek:
Good shooting!

I used to shoot with a guy named Jim Erickson. Maybe he's related to the one who won the HV Grand? The Erickson I knew was an old guy from Utah, he's probably dead by now. He lived in Hollywood at one time and may have been a movie star. Anybody remember him?

Butch, yeah, I was hoping to get a rise out of him but I suppose he's taking a nap.:rolleyes:


Jim, I'm glad I can now put a name with a face.
Good shootin' with ya.

GAWD, Jim looked official with that badge on. I was scared to greet him and welcome him back to Raton for fear he was looking into "wants and warrants".
Finally made it home this am...

Spent a few days in the Rockies cooling off before coming home to this 100* heat.

Okay Ray, and you too Butch, where the hell you been? I've been hanging out in all the usual dives and the barmaids claim I just missed you! They also say that Jay Lynn may be a bad influence...don't know if that is true but he is the only Texan I know who can shoot backwards off a galloping horse. Seriously, before I get too old I'd like to see you guys at a match again...are either you or Ray going to make the Nationals?
