I have been working with my Sumo for the past 2 days . What I have is the Chip Smith Sumo action and Ti . tube with Dans regulator in it and a Kreiger barrel I got form Dan . The Kreiger is a 1 in. blank that Chip fit to the Sumo .( my lath well only take 3/4 in .) I have the regulator at 1800 psi . The 2 pellets that I have found that it likes at 35 ft/lb are the 18g JBB at about 930 fps and the 21g Baracuda H&N . I did not have many Baracudas to work with so went with the 18g JSB . Pellets were skirt sized and unsorted . I settled on a hammer spring that under little presser gives me 35 ft/lb and turned down can go to 40 -42 ft/lb . With 25g JSB i can get 42-45 ft/lb . The 25g shoot OK but I wood like to push them faster to see how the react . I am maxed out with my setup tell I turn the regulator up to 2000 psi . It is cold , 37 degrees and windy today . The JSB at 35 ft/lb shoot nice 1/4 in outside to outside groups at 25m and 1/2 -- 1 in groups at 50yd. I shot a world Bench Rest target . I shoat all winds by holding right and left -- low right and low left . I did not have to hold high . 250 with 15 X . nothing needed to be plugged to see if it was a 10 . I like it so far but will push it to up over 50 ft/lb to see what it well do . I wont have time to work with it now ( with the time change ) and the NYS FT shoot coming up . I can not say enough about the work that Chip, Gorden and Dan do.