Suhl with extraction problems..


New member
Just received my 150 from J&G sales and found it will not extract anything...(After bolt was cleaned and lubed). I removed the extractor and follower and found the follower spring much shorter. I stretched the springs and now have extraction with most amo. Wolf Match firmly engages the rifleing and will not extract a loaded round . Fired empty its ok.
Anyone know where to get to extractor springs ??maby a Wolf Spring co. part # ????
Should I expect extraction with a loaded round that seats firmly into the rifleing??(assuming good springs and follower and extractor)
In my opinion if the Suhl will extract a live round from the chamber you should consider replacing the barrel if you want an accurate bench rifle. Very few accurate bench .22's will reliably extract a live round. Failure to extract a live round is a good thing. bob

If you are worried about your extractor spring call Tim Allen at 336-998-3253 he was able to get parts. Last year I ordered parts to put the back part of a Suhl bolt together. It takes a littel while to get the parts he gets them from someone in Germany. Brian
"Very few accurate bench .22's will reliably extract a live round. Failure to extract a live round is a good thing. bob"

That's because very few smiths will go to the trouble of fitting the extractor slots and extractors like they should be.:)
It IS NOT the sign of a great job!
"Anyone know where to get to extractor springs ??maby a Wolf Spring co. part # ????"

Measure the diameter & thickness of what you got & call Brownells. They have spring stock that you can cut to length.
That's because very few smiths will go to the trouble of fitting the extractor slots and extractors like they should be.:)
It IS NOT the sign of a great job![/QUOTE]


Thank you very much.. I have three Suhl's and all of them extract anything I feed them. I also have a 40X with a barrel, installed by a well known gunsmith, that so far has chambered and extracted live rounds with no problem..


The biggest problem with the Suhl extractors, is the accumulation of dirt and wax that builds up in the extractor slots and the bolt body. Also you may need th touch up the extractor points with a file to sharper the edges. Don't over do it. Make sure you clean the spring pocket in the bolt. They get a varnish build up that gets hard and causes the spring to stick and drag.
Kent: Very interesting, your comment. But then I use mostly coned breech barrels, particularly on the Suhl action.

We learn something new every day. bob
Suhl Extraction

No one has mentioned the problem I have experenced with the Suhl. There is a right and left extracter. If you have them installed reversed it will not extract. Mickey:rolleyes::)
Sorry, I wasn't trying to be a smart alec. It's just that thru the years I've noticed a lot of BR rifles will not extract a live round, and it really isn't a big deal as long as they'll extract an empty. I usually set mine up so the extractor slips over the rim, and they pretty much have to extract a live round when setup like that. They seem to shoot ok, either way. I prefer slots in my rifles. To me it just makes for a nicer looking job. Either way works, just a preference on my part.
Kent: No offense was taken with your remark, but an interesting bit of information to store for future reference. We all have our experiences that lead us one way or another. I sure don't have these rim fire rifles figured out yet...and likely never will completely understand them. It is the ongoing pursuit of knowledge that I enjoy. bob