Suhl question..Made in GDR???



Can someone learn me on made in GDR? Thanks....

Also what what be a fair price for a used Suhl 150 standard in good shape..say(90%) ??? Kinda confused as to what I'm looking at in the 150 vs. 150-1's are the values the same? How about the twist rates? Are there certain models that have the slower twist rates? I heard the -1's had the slower rates. Are the triggers the same?


Rimfire Cental

They have a forum on Suhl's, and many of your questions can be answered there. See photos I took that are posted there. Triggers are the same on both. The trigger photos are of the same trigger, but I modified the trigger in the photo. Hope this helps. If not come on back with your unanswered questions, and we'll see what we can do.
GDR = German Democratic Republic, re East Germany from 1945 till reunification of East and West Germany several years ago. bob finger
They have a forum on Suhl's, and many of your questions can be answered there. See photos I took that are posted there. Triggers are the same on both. The trigger photos are of the same trigger, but I modified the trigger in the photo. Hope this helps. If not come on back with your unanswered questions, and we'll see what we can do.

I'm assuming over on RFC...I posted the same question there. If these answers were already there I guess i didn't look hard enough.


You must be a youngling. Was the wall down when you were born?
