Suhl Barrel Replacement


I purchased a used Suhl with McMillan benchrest stock, factory barrel and trigger. I am going to rebarrel it and wonder what opinions are on Douglas barrels for this rifle? I know it's rare to see anything but Shilen's, Broughton's and Lilja's finishing well in ARA competition etc. however it would help out the old pocketbook by going with the Douglas. I know you get what you pay for and I'm not against saving some more for one of the more "well known" barrels if I felt it would truly result in a noticable improvement - all else being equal (I know there are many variables involved).

Thoughts and opinions are most appreciated.

The barrel is the most important part of the rifle. Try to get the very best and forget the cost.
Fred K

Why go that way when you can buy a Shillen ratchet from me for $250.00 or a Broughton for $325.00. Then you will have a gun that will compete. Best regards.
Killough sports has Hart and Shilen barrels for $275. Your action/receiver should be threaded and the barrel cut to length, chambered, crowned, breach cut accordingly, and fitted to the receiver. I am just guessing (since it will depend on the smith doing the work) it will cost approximately $600 total. You will also have to factor in shipping costs unless you have a local smith in mind.
Stressful I know!

Was that the blue and silver Suhl that was on here for sale? Just curious? Cuz I almost bought it. I most likely would have if I could have got away to go see it in person.
Go with the best barrel you can get! You might get lucky going cheap, but skimping on even a few hundred dollars at this point is not a real smart move. Stressful I know, but going cheap could cost you twice. A little more money at this point will keep you from wondering if you did the right thing. You have a great action now make a great gun. There are so many good proven barrel makers. Buy one, and have someone that knows what they are doing put it togather for you. Bill Meyers has a great reputation working with the Suhl's. If it were me I'd Contact him through Dan Killough at Killough Shooting Sports.
Ask Bill the important questions and follow his recommendations. You won't be sorry. For the condition you'll be shooting in barrel twist and length and best tuner for that barrel are things to consider too. If money is that tight. Wait and save a few little longer. You'll be that much more satisfied.

Good Luck,


charlie is not only a vendor but a great shooter in b/r rimfire so he wont steer you wrong.

suprizing how much stuff he has or can get. give him a call or drop him an email.
