Suhl barrel removable.



Which side do you knock out the pin that holds a barrel in place on a Suhl rifle. 22 LR of course.
Small end

On a lot of pins, one end appears smaller than the other. I always try to punch the smaller looking end of a pin first. Then you must use a pto remove the barrel. I've seen some that took almost 10K to remove. When you replace the barrel, it's best to thread the barrel and action.
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cdupuy- Thanks for your suggestion . The rifle I have is a Suhl not an Anschutz The pins in an Anschutz are side by side on the left and right side of the rifle. On the Suhl which I have and working on to remove the barrel there is one pin that holds the barrel in place. The pin is located at the bottom of the action. Looks like I should drive the pin out from the left side to the right side. garrisone
Fred J : That is exsactly what I tried to do . tried to drive the pin from the left side to the right side . The pin is smaller on the left side and on thhe right it is larger. What is a pto? The action will be threaded as well as the barrel. Thanks for your help. garrisone.