Suhl 150 or Stiller X25 for BR build ???



Slightly more for the stiller due to needing a trigger. But it will be new and can get replacement parts.
Your thoughts ?
adult content only

stiller not available yet

they are busy as all get out and I know the quality is there,

for the record there is so much pent up demand for this quality product so get on the list or wait for the second run some months later when they finally arrive,

thanks Mr. Stiller now the world knows

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Last year I built the prototypes and was going to send out the 4 to the guys for testing. By the time I got the extractors into the bolts it was just not reliable enough to send out with our name on it. The ones that Wade and I shot took tons of mods to make work and it just didnt make sense for the others to be fooled with. I made the appropriate changes and have ordered 50 bolt sets for the 40x version and 10 benchrest prototypes and Kiff should have them to me in a month or so. I have also added 2 new cncs to make bodies, so we should be able to cut some out. I hope to have them soon. Good thing is once they work and are producible, we will be building them by the 100's. I apologize to Kent and the other testers and will be shipping them one of the new benchrest protos when I get them. I know you have heard this many times, but our company has grown tremendously and we have to take care of our big OEMs first. Thanks.

benchrest prototypes

I e-mailed you on these and was told "not an option"
Also what is the difference with it ?
Getting Closer

Im on the list for a repeater for a squirrel rifle build. Gonna be well worth the wait. And glad to hear Dave Kiff is making the bolts. This should be top notch action.
Im on the list for a repeater for a squirrel rifle build. Gonna be well worth the wait. And glad to hear Dave Kiff is making the bolts. This should be top notch action.

How does one get on the list for a stiller rimfire repeater?, been keen to get one of these from the conceptions announcement.
Wait list

Secretsquirrel just go to Stillers website then email them to put you on the wait list.
Well I went with the Suhl because they can be had! I nice action with a nice trigger for 500-700.00 barreled! I got a very nice like new Barrel action for 600.00 its off to Tom Meredith getting bedded. Need to pick out a barrel now?




I've seen some factory barrels shoot very well. Shoot it when you get it back and see how it does before you spend money you might want for ammo.
I've seen some factory barrels shoot very well. Shoot it when you get it back and see how it does before you spend money you might want for ammo.
That is the plan! Just by look down the barrel it looks like a fine hand lapped custom barrel so if it shoots in the low .2's I will just get a tunner for it. But am wondering how the open sight slots will effect the tunner fit?

I think those are machined so they should not bother it at all. Believe it or not, on airguns, they pinch those dovetails into the barrel and you need to file the barrel round to clamp anything onto it.