Slightly more for the stiller due to needing a trigger. But it will be new and can get replacement parts.
Your thoughts ?
Your thoughts ?
Im on the list for a repeater for a squirrel rifle build. Gonna be well worth the wait. And glad to hear Dave Kiff is making the bolts. This should be top notch action.
How does one get on the list for a stiller rimfire repeater?, been keen to get one of these from the conceptions announcement.
That is the plan! Just by look down the barrel it looks like a fine hand lapped custom barrel so if it shoots in the low .2's I will just get a tunner for it. But am wondering how the open sight slots will effect the tunner fit?I've seen some factory barrels shoot very well. Shoot it when you get it back and see how it does before you spend money you might want for ammo.