If this will be your first time disassembling a Suhl bolt, just remember to go slow! After removing the End Cap from the Bolt the biggest point to be aware of is: when sliding off the Side Shields, the last shield before the bolt handle also holds a detent pin and spring in place, and you don't want to loose either of these, so just be careful of what you are doing.
This part of the disassembly is no big deal, so don't hesitate to do it. Just watch out for the above mentioned and have a catch pad of some kind, like an envelope box top, under your work area. Once you've done it, you'll see just how easy it is and have no problems doing it in the future.
If you decide to continue on and perform the spring swap yourself, once you've pulled the Firing Pin Assembly out of the Bolt, but before starting its disassembly, mark down on a piece of paper how the Locking Nut on the end is positioned as you will want to return everything to the exact same position when done. You will need a small set of Locking Pliers in order to loosen the Lock Nut, a pair of Adjustable Plumbers Pliers to keep the Sear from turning while loosening the nut, a Slotted Flat Bar in order to compress the spring while both removing and reattaching the Sear (it's threaded and unscrews once the Lock Nut has been removed), and some sort of Vise to hold the Assembly while working on it, but not too tightly (just be very careful not to apply any side pressure to the firing pin when in the vise as you definitely don't want to bend, or worse yet, break it [I always wrap mine in a rag, plus use either wooden or rubber side blocks between the vise and pin]).
Go Slowly, and Good Luck!