Submitted Gateway IR50/50 Schedule


Bob Pekaar

I am posting this with Bill Smith's permission and because many travel long distances to make this event. Obviously long term planning is necessary for most and nothing has been posted on the IR50/50 site- I believe changes are being made to increase attendance, which is good but takes time. So, here it is (pending Wilbur's approval):
Jan. 2nd
Feb. 6th
March 6th (SOTY)
April 16th. 17th 18th (except Arkansas which arrives 1 day early due to time zone changes)
May 1 (SOTY)
June 5 (SOTY)
July 3rd
August 7th (SOTY)
September 18th
October 2nd (SOTY)
November 6th
December 4th
All shoots are 3 gun followed by 3 Unlimited targets in IR50/50(except for the Crawfish)We generally set up at 8 AM and practice and start the shoot at about 9 AM.
This schedule is provisional and pends the Chief Cooks blessing.
Bob Pekaar