Stuck cases. Any thoughts?


Active member
I have a 6br with a 262 neck that i am using as a hunting rig. I bought several fired remington and Lapua 6br brass for this rifle from a friend of mine. The Lapua brass is getting stuck in the chamber after firing it as were the rem brass comes right out. The lapua brass is the only ones having the trouble. The extractor is pulling right off the brass while trying to work the bolt back. The load isnt hot and there isnt a bur in the chamber. Not every piece of Lapua brass is getting stuck about one out of ten is however. I dont know how many rounds have been fired on the Lapua or the rem brass so i wonder if the Lapua brass is worn out? I got all this brass from a buddy that i bought another 6br with a tight neck. I sent a few pieces of brass to my smith when he chambered it to make sure it was going to be ok. I told my smith about this trouble when it first happened last friday. We both agreed that the load i was shooting was too hot, so i loaded the round down 2 grains and it is still happening, but only with the Lapua brass so far. Weird!! My smith is out of town today and i will be talking with him to morrow, but i just wondered if any of you fellas might have any ideas? You can feel the bolt click on this brass near the top of the stroke. My shooting buddy was the one shooting the rifle today and he pointed out that the bolt lift felt a little funny near the top on the second click. The rifle shot really well today though and actually the rem brass out shot the Lapua. I havent tested this rifle much yet though. Kinda to early to tell anything concrete though. I measured the rem and Lapua brass down at the bottom of the case just above the rim and webbing and the rem brass is a couple thou smaller. I thought maybe thats just how they are made though. I am pretty sure its the brass, but i thought maybe some of you fellas might have some experience with this type of thing. Thanks guys as always!! Lee
Your chamber may have been cut with a reamer that was designed for Remington brass, which has a slightly smaller head diameter than the Lapua. The cheapest fix may be to simply stick with Remington brass.
That would make since. but i was pretty sure the reamer was made for Lapua brass. My smith borrowed this reamer as he didnt have a 6BR with a .262 neck. I will have him double check. I was suprised to see how well the remington brass shot compared to the Lapua. It actuall out shot it with the same load and bullet and primer. the rem brass has a much larger flash hole. Lee
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Excuse me for having to ask.

Just curious, are you turning the necks, trimming case length and full length re-sizing? What is the outside neck diameter of a loaded Remington round vs. a loaded Lapua round? What is the neck diameter after firing? Does the fired Lapua case allow you to insert a bullet?

Are you shooting the same bullet seated to the same depth in both cases?

I shoot a .272 "no-turn" 6mm BR and use Lapua brass and could finger seat a bullet in the fired case without re-sizing. The Lapua brass is heavier brass and therefore has a smaller case capaciity as well.
In my experience using used brass in another chamber is a recipe for the exact trouble you are having. You should buy some new Lapua brass and see what happens then. If it has sticky extraction then you probably have a chamber issue.
As with anything manufactured there are tolerances. It's been my experience that Lapua brass runs towards the bigger side. Assuming that is the case here it would explain why you are having difficulties.

I have a 338LM and a 300-338LM that will run Norma brass all day long. The Lapua stuff tends to be tempermental. In no way is this a black mark on Lapua as I should have done more research and planned better.

Experience never comes cheap.

If you've already committed to running Lapua brass then chances are you will need to get a reamer made for it or find a smith that has one. David Kiff, owner of Pacific Tool and Gauge is an excellent vendor for such things.

Hope this helps.


Chad Dixon
LongRifles, Inc.

The cases are different and if you're using the same load for both...well..that ain't right!

Reduce the powder quite a bit in the sticking cases and give it a try. I'm pretty sure they will come right out. Could be that the used cases are too short....
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