Stuck bullet in 44 TC


STBE Harris

I just stuck a three hundred grain all lead bullet in a 14 inch TC.
The primer fired but the powder didnt catch go figure! Was a box of very old
reloads lots of unburned powder everywhere any suggestion on how to get it out? I dont have any presses. I do have an aluminum rod that I havent checked to see if it will fit in the bore my guess is it is about .38+-. Also have dowels and can get others. I have a vise. Dont know if I want to put wood down there unless you've had experience that says it will work. Right now I have it muzzle up and soaking with Break Free oil penetrant.
Thanks STBE Harris
Did the bullet leave the case? If so, remove the case and with a wooden dowel slightly smaller that the bore, push the round out. Take the shortest route out of the bore. Don't use too long of a dowel, just over 15 inches should be plenty. You may need to tap the dowel with a mallett or hammer to get the slug moving. Once it's sized, it shound come out with ease. Hold the barrel in a padded vise so you can hold the dowel while you tap it.
it wouldn't hurt to get some Lead remover solvent in the barrel as well, also use Kroil, might be thinner than the Break Free. I also had a 180gr .45slug in the 45acp that didn't make it out and used a wooden dowel and mallet, suggest putting the barrel on another piece of wood or carpet top to prevent marring and roughing up the barrel. It came out within a few 40-50 whops!!

good luck!!
Howdy all well got the stuck bullet out. Banged on it in a vise with a wooden dowel and it started come apart dowel was oak! Bullet didnt budge!
Then put it in wooden blocks on a friends BAV Big *** Vise and got an aluminum rod and pounded on it and it came out!! Suprise it was a jacketed 240 grain!!!!! Dont know how
that one got in the box ammo was old. Be careful and thanks for you help! STBE