Strategic Edge Team Groundhog Shoot August 2, 2014



Strategic Edge located in Chapel Hill, TN held their first ever 100/300yd groundhog shoot with youth/adult teams competing for trophies and glory. 12 youth shooters between the ages of 10 and 17 competed at 100 yards, with all but 1 competing for their first time. Congratulations to Jacob Gentry for winning the 100 yd first place with a score of 128, and Lucia Troseth for shooting the only perfect target with a score of 70. In the adult group, local shooter Tim Harbor won the 300 yd match which doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who knows Tim. Both Jacob Gentry and Tim Harbor were teamed together and they pretty much won everything available today.

I think everyone that either participated or came out to cheer on their favorite youth/adult shooting team had a very good time. Getting our youth to participate in our shooting sports is a god way to build interest in our sport as well as a great way to spend time with our kids.