fellas my father and myself are in the process of building another ppc rifle using used parts. Budget build if you will. I have a BAT sv action i am going to use and i have a couple of Ron hoen take off barrels with around 100 rounds. We will use this rifle for club level shooting so i can save my good hummer barrel on my other SV. Anyway i found a couple fellas with some stocks but they were inletted and beaded for a rem 700. What i was wondering is if i can fill in the ejection port cut outs on the used stock then re-cut or file the new ports in there proper placing. I didnt know if you would be able to tell these spots were filled in, or if it would even stay in space. I can get some patching material from Mcmillan or use bondo or whatever you fellas recommend. I know i could have TM stockworks do all this but i kinda what to do this one my self with my pops. I dont want to glue the action in because the action may have to pull double duty on another rifle. ( Things you do when your raising a young family) anyway can i fill the old cutouts in and cut them, and what should i use to do this with? thanks fellas! Lee