stock work????


Active member
fellas my father and myself are in the process of building another ppc rifle using used parts. Budget build if you will. I have a BAT sv action i am going to use and i have a couple of Ron hoen take off barrels with around 100 rounds. We will use this rifle for club level shooting so i can save my good hummer barrel on my other SV. Anyway i found a couple fellas with some stocks but they were inletted and beaded for a rem 700. What i was wondering is if i can fill in the ejection port cut outs on the used stock then re-cut or file the new ports in there proper placing. I didnt know if you would be able to tell these spots were filled in, or if it would even stay in space. I can get some patching material from Mcmillan or use bondo or whatever you fellas recommend. I know i could have TM stockworks do all this but i kinda what to do this one my self with my pops. I dont want to glue the action in because the action may have to pull double duty on another rifle. ( Things you do when your raising a young family) anyway can i fill the old cutouts in and cut them, and what should i use to do this with? thanks fellas! Lee

Lee, changes to fiberglass stocks are fairly straight forward and permenant. They usually result in a slight gain in weight over the straight foam and glass production from a mould. You are usually replacing foam with fiberglass and resin, which is much heavier. I have included a couple of pictures of my gun, the gluein became suspect so I used the opportunity to fit the cutouts to the action and give it a new paint job.
I used a foredom tool and cut a slot down into the action, all along the area I wished to modify. The slot is about 1/2+ in deep and purposefully rough. YOU SHOULD WAX EVERYTHING YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE PART OF YOUR STOCK. I used 1808 biaxial cloth and West System epoxy, but you can use anything for this type repair (but Bondo). Auto part stores have body repair kits of fiberglass cloth and polyester resin that will work well. Make whatever dams you need to shape your repair. I used a waxed 1 1/4 piece of stainless and a piece of waxed oak (the inside surface of the oak is smooth).
Wash out the cut out pocket well with acetone ( it will mess up the finish on the stock, I assume you are going to do a complete repaint, if not use alcohol). Let dry.
Saturate the pocket well with resin (mix with hardner :)). Cut the fiberglass into proper size strips, wet them out well on both sides lay them in your cutout and pack them down well one strip at a time. Built the height up until above finish height and let harden. Pull off whatever you used for a mould and finish.
The inside and out side should require little sanding. use a wooden block or strip to sand the top and outside. I used the piece of 1 1/4 stainless for sanding the inside.
Then just rough up the inside and bed your action if you do not want to gluein.
Have fun and I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me with questions.



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But you would miss out on the enjoyment of doing it yourself. :) dale