Stock tape removal...


Need to remove existing stock tape from my BR rifle before having it painted and need advice as to the best way to do this. Thanks to all who answer.
I've had good luck with a hair dryer on the two I've removed. Hardly a large pool of experience but .... :)

Here's some ideas presented in the past from a variety of sources.

Removing stock tape

What's the best way to remove it without damaging the paint job ???

1. Carefully peel it off, then use mineral spirits on a cloth (old t-shirt works well) to remove any glue residue.

2. Use automotive adhesive remover from an auto paint store. I think it's a 3M product. The best stuff I've used for tape, decals, etc., has not harmed any paint I've used it on.

3. Use a blow dryer to heat it up. Glue residue came off with alcohol.

4. Spray WD40 under one corner and work it off slowly.

5. The hair dryer method worked well.