Stock "Pillar vs Pillow" Bedding



I heard someone mention "pillow bedding". Is this something different than pillar bedding that I am not aware of - as usual, thanks.

Pillar vs Pillow

Pillow bedding is for those who can't spell Pillar.
Pillow bedding is what you do before you shoot padder in your raffle. It's geographic pillars, no kidding.

Mike Swartz
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Featherbedding is used when your "raffle" is over weight. Redo the bedding with chicken feathers in the epoxy, can cut several ounces off the weight. Some guys fill the stock with helium but that's a lot of work keeping the pressure up to the exact level. I saw a gun actually float up off the bags one time.
I saw a gun actually float up off the bags one time.
That's an illegal use of Helium if it floats up out of the bags isn't it? I thought it was ok as long as the gun stays on the earth by itself. Depending on the amount of trigger pull, that's a safety risk if the gun starts floating around.
The way I shoot the only helium in the area is between my ears; perhaps ozone....

Mike Swartz
Hey you'se guys is pickin' on my childhood memories :eek:

I was in kindie-garten, reading my very first speculative fiction and I had this GREAT idea about strapping a helium cylinder to my back and then filling it with LOTS of helium.......... like a whole zeppelin-full of helium and you couldn't HOLD me down! And then after zipping all around the world using a battery powered fan and the wind, I would just crack the valve and settle gently back to earth..... just in time for supper.

Sweet vagaries of youth.....

Pad under barrel

Several stockers, will put a pad ( Pillow ) under the barrel at the forend of the stock, causing upward pressure on the barrel. This helped some barrels shoot a bit better. I preffered Free Floating the barrel, so I always removed the pad.
Technical terminology is often confusing and regional dialect may make it moreso. This is a perfect illustation. The original "Pillar bedding" becomes, in some areas, "pilla beddin' ". This in turn, is translated back to either "pillar" or "Pillow" depending on the locale. Misspelling and typographical errors can complicate matters even further. "Piler bedding" is a technique which is apparently fairly common but is one of which I remain ignorant.
It is easy to see from whence such confusion might arise when looks at the post from AlinWA which precedes this. It is obvious to me that Al, probably due to his interest in firearms, has derived the term "pressure point bedding" from the more common "pleasure point petting" which has nothing to do with rifles at all but which may take place amongst the bedding; including the pillows. It's a confusing world in which we live! Regards, Bill
aaaaooOOOHHHHHHH!!!!! :D

NICEly put my frien'..... obviously etymology is your second career.....

I'll look into it. Sometimes the research is the funnest part!

military addage

ones that were in the military recall this march cadence, This is my rifle and this is my gun. ones for fighten ones for fun! well pillar bedding is for the rifle, pillow bedding is for the "GUN!" rolling off my chair Laughing!! :eek: Greg Moyer
If I'm hauling a truckload of pidgeons over a steep mountain road can I bang on the cages so the birds fly and ease my load?


Howsa'bout the pin juggler:

He had to cross a bridge that would only hold 185 pounds...... He and his load of pins weighed 190lb, each juggling pin weighed 5lb.

Could he juggle his way across the bridge keeping one or two pins in the air?
