Stock for a 721 remington


New member
I picked up a 721 remington in 270 over the weekend. The trigger adjusted nicely & I mounted a scope I trust, but the initial groups were over 2" . The plan now is to bed the action & float and recrown the barrel.

If that doesn't tighten it up, then I'll rebarrel & restock it. No problem, I have a 270 reamer and can do it myself. The goal is an all round rifle for deer up to 250 yds across a corn field (yes we have them in CT).

What long action Remington fiberglass stock fits the 721 best? The 700 has a smaller tang than the 721, and I'll most likely use a #5 contour Shilen blank - not exactly a light barrel.

Regards, Ron
Stock for a 721 Remington

I have a Rem 721that has a Krieger 6.5-06 barrel and a Lee Six composite stock. I used Rem 700 BDL bottom metal and a Rem 700 trigger and just treated it like a Rem 700. The trigger replacement was required because the stock one wore out and wouldn't adjust properly.

If I were to start the project today, I would go to the McMillan website and choose one of their hunting stocks for the Rem 700. They list the barrel contours that will work with each stock. If you didn't want to upgrade to Rem 700 BDL bottom metal, I'm sure they would inlet for the 721 butt ugly bottom metal. I like to order the inletted blank and fit my own Decelerator pad and pillar bed in Marinetex with aluminum pillars. The olive drab with gray and black swirls is an awesome looking camo pattern.