Stock Bedding?


New member
The McMillan Edge comes from factory pillar bedded, is it necessary to glass bed that stock?
Have you shot it with just pillars then shot it after bedding was there a considerable difference ?

Where did you hear that they come pillar bedded? What action are you using? Are you referring to a benchrest stock?
From McMillan they said it is pillars are installed , useing Savage Target, Yes the Edge benchrest stock it is the second one on the page at Mcmillan
Since the exterior of actions, particularly factory actions are not perfectly uniform, I would think that bedding would always be beneficial, particularly for any application where the highest degree of accuracy is desired. Yes, I would bed it.
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From McMillan they said it is pillars are installed , useing Savage Target, Yes the Edge benchrest stock it is the second one on the page at Mcmillan

I have had three of the Edge stocks and and still own 2. None had pillars installed until they were added after inletting the stocks. Perhaps you can order them with pillars when you have them do the inletting but I would be surprised if that were the case. In any event if you want the rifle to shoot you are going to need to have it properly bedded. That is for d--n sure.
