Stiller rings - supposed to be offset?



Today I think I finally discovered the source of some nagging problems with a 6 dasher varmint rifle build - the rings that were supplied with my Stiller Diamondback drop port differ in height by .035".
At first I was tempted to believe that they are shipped as an offset pair, but it seems that the I.D. of each is parallel to the receiver top.

Are they made this way for a reason, or are these "friday afternoon" rings?

Here's a pic of the gun:


It looks like the front ring is higher. check the height of the rings when they are off. Are you sure the blocks are the same height? Is the receiver in the stock sqare and level? It sure doesn't look right.
Oh hell, you just better send that fine rifle over to me. Ill get it figured out for ya. LOL!! I had to say it. Nice rifle brother!! I hope you get your issues resolved fast. I would hate to think stiller miss machined your rings. I bet its something else going on. Lee
That's an 8-32 Sightron in that pic and I was able to get on target with it. I sold that scope and replaced it with a 10-50 Sightron, which has less elevation adjustment.
I shot the combo today and was really puzzled when I had used all of the vertical and was still several moa low on target. I assumed my scope was bad, but these SIII Sightrons are pretty good stuff so I then measured bottom ring ID to base top and found the .035" difference.
I thought I'd solve the problem cheaply by switching the rings front to back but then found that the front of the scope would lift up by the difference if I tightened the rear ring screws first.

So if I tighten the rings down I'm going to be gripping only a small portion of the tube as they are badly out of alignment.

I'd guess a call to Stiller will be in order Monday.
Hell Skeet, my best stuff isn't good enough to be in the same cabinet as your castoffs :)
Stiller makes rings that have a built in 20 MOA slant, when installed on a level base, a certain distance apart. Perhaps someone accidentally shipped a set of those. Have you checked the bases for uniformity of height, and did you lap the rings, after they were installed on the bases? It seems to me that your first move should have been to call them, instead of taking it to the net.

Added later: Here is a link to the instructions for the 20 MOA rings.
Note the alignment holes in the bottoms of the rings. This should allow you to tell if you have these rings, and if they are installed correctly.
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I have a real hard time with folks posting things like this on a forum before contacting the manufacturer. I think it is in poor taste.
i had a set of bat 20moa rings that were the same way. all i had to do was reverse the rings. not front to back but in a 180 degree switch. I think there is some taper built into the rings to allow the scope to lye flat in the rings because of the 20moa. i would bet there isnt anything wrong with those rings. That is a very nice rifle and i meant that sincerly!! Hard work and a little horse trading is all it takes. Mostly hard work though! lots of concrete finishing in the evenings and weekends for me to have what i own. Try rotating those rings and see if that wont fix you up. It did for me on my 1 piece bat rings. Lee
Guys it wasn't my intent to appear to trash Jerry's business and I'm sorry my post was interpreted as such. I'll dig into the 20 moa links above and maybe make some sense of this. It doesn't make sense that something could come off Jerry's machines that far out of tolerance.


I'm with Butch, and furthermore I wish you'se guys would take the time to UNDERSTAND the stuff instead of just "switching around until it lines up" and please get some Kokopelli alignment bars so you KNOW :)

Boyd thank you for posting that pdf link. I didn't buy this action direct from Stiller and had no idea these were 20 moa rings.

And to clarify, my post was framed in the form of a question as to whether these could be offset rings, though some here have implied that I instead wanted to trash Stiller.

Stiller makes rings that have a built in 20 MOA slant, when installed on a level base, a certain distance apart. Perhaps someone accidentally shipped a set of those. Have you checked the bases for uniformity of height, and did you lap the rings, after they were installed on the bases? It seems to me that your first move should have been to call them, instead of taking it to the net.

Added later: Here is a link to the instructions for the 20 MOA rings.
Note the alignment holes in the bottoms of the rings. This should allow you to tell if you have these rings, and if they are installed correctly.
I also agree with butch, but i really dont think NoMo4me meant any harm. Bad choice of words? Perhaps! Heck we can think back to a time or two were we wish we would have used a different choice of words telling a story or asking for advise, or discribing a situation. It happens! Im probably the worlds worst myself. Lee
Love the NEO. Great range of elevation adjustment. Rock solid yet the joystick action is extremely smooth. Love the portability when broken down. Always draws inquiries at the range. Best $$ I've ever spent in shooting sports.

Thanks again for the help.

So, now that we have solved that little problem, tell us your impressions of the Neo rest.