I understand carbide bullet dies will last alot longer and may require less lube , but do the carbide make a better quality bullet?
Are the carbide well worth the extra cost ?
Im talking someone who is wanting to make benchrest quality bullets for their personal use.
I cant say that carbide makes a better bullet but it should, due to less lube. Also, and particularly with 30s, ejection of the bullet from the point die can be an issue with steel dies. Someone may say that the steel dies work fine if everything is properly setup and lubed, and I will agree..but that's kinda my point, that carbide is the easier die to make a good bullet with.
You won’t have enough primers and powder to wear out a steel die in your lifetime. Proper storage of a steel die is paramount as well. Clean and lube the die when you put it away/
Larry Blackmon is the only one I know making BR quality bullet dies in steel:
If I were you though, I'd call George Ulrich. His are carbide. Yes, they're more expensive that Blackmon's. But as Mike noted, carbide requires less lube and you won't wear them out for personal use. I'm swaging on his 7-ogive .30 caliber dies and they're tops.