status report on Leonard from Bill Shehane

Charles E

email from Bill Shehane

Please let everyone on BRC know that Leonard is doing fine and making progress everyday at getting stronger. He's as expected after (4 bi-passes) a little pale and tires easily but I thought looked good and in very good sprits.

Was very thankful for the cards, calls and prayers. He really appreciated the target we did for him at the match. Can tell he wants to get back and see the group and shoot. Even mentioned he was going to try and make the Nationals. He already had his ammo loaded to go to the last Ohio match and had the heart attack so he don't need to load any ammo.

And ya know I wouldn't bet against him doing just that. He's got PLENTY of help that will make sure all he has to do is pull the trigger. If it wouldn't cause him to have another heart attack it would be great to see him win the Nationals. I wouldn't bet against that either, he's got both is rifles shooting pretty darn good and with a little luck, he might could do it.

Has not smoked and says he's quit. Karen has also quit which will be a big help to Leonard. Now if I can get his son in law, who works everyday with Leonard to at least go outside to smoke or quit too Leonard may have a better chance at not starting back. I sure hope so.
Leonard Baity


Thanks for this post. I have been out of town for a couple of weeks and had no idea that Leonard had suffered a heart attack. It is very good to hear that he is upbeat and doing well. I will get in touch with the family, but if you see him first, let him know that my prayers are with him.

Jim Hardy