Stand up dude named Eric Stecker


compliant member
I have noticed that Eric Stecker is very much in touch with the needs of shooters; I use this term all inclusive because he is, in my opinion, ready to offer advise to any who send bullets down range, regardless of what the target might be.

Eric strongly promotes and aids custom bullet makers. The naysayers will spout..." Oh yea, he has a stake in the custom game with J-4 jackets"; true!!
BUT......Consider this, Eric has offered advice to new bullet makers that could be considered trade secrets or little tips that others would be reluctant to give up. He has brought shooters into R&D and testing to further the gains in shooting for the many rather than the few. He has taken critics' blows on the chin and responded with a level of respect equal to a true and concerned gentleman and businessman.

I've noticed a consistant level of care and involvement by Eric on this board. The catalyst for my posting was a message I read to the Late Jeff Fowler family and concern for their bullet making business. I believe Eric is a real asset and regardless of great bullets, great J-4 jackets.... He seems to me to be, a "Stand Up Dude"!

Michael, you are 100% correct about Eric, he is a true gentleman and a huge asset to the precision shooting community. I've only spent a short time with Eric in person, but he certainly let me know that for that time, my needs and interests were his priority - that's a rare talent in the business world.

I use Berger Bullets almost exclusively because they are so well made; but they are so well made because Berger has people like Eric (and many others) who are totally committed to making the best product possible and creating a true sense of community in the shooting sports. We, as buyers of all of these products are engaging in a leisure activity which should be fun; Eric's attitude goes a very long way towards making it exactly that.

Cheers to Eric Stecker and the whole crew at Berger Bullets, true supporters and promoters of our passion for shooting sports.
Many of you may never know just how much Eric is helping other people. It is being done in the background, without fanfare, but is a most nobel gesture.
I'm glad you started this thread,Michael.I have a friend,Bill, who is new to long range benchrest and I recommended Berger bullets.He got a box from a supplier and each bullet in box had a blemish.He called Berger and could get no satisfaction.I had seen many of Eric's posts on this site and thought highly of him,so I e-mailed him and told him the situation.He went out of his way to make sure the situation was resolved to Bill's satisfaction and now that Bill has load tested his new 6.5x47 lapua,he is another confirmed Berger shooter.Eric is a "Stand up Dude" in every sense.

Steve Kenney
And just so you know - Eric is a pretty good shooter too. He has kicked butt on more than one occasion. And not just pikers like me. Walt taught him well.:)

Thank You

It is hard to say anything equal to how much I appreciate your comments. I love what I do and I love shooting. Walt has given me the rare gift of making a living doing something that I would do for fun.

I feel compelled to share this gift and all that Walt taught me by enhancing the shooting experience for others. This means so much more than just making bullets. There are several ongoing projects that few know about and hopefully many will benefit from down the road.

It is my specifc focus to continue these efforts to whatever end they produce. Along the way I will help those who I can and will likely receive more help and encouragement than I produce.

I have noticed that Eric Stecker is very much in touch with the needs of shooters; I use this term all inclusive because he is, in my opinion, ready to offer advise to any who send bullets down range, regardless of what the target might be.

Eric strongly promotes and aids custom bullet makers. The naysayers will spout..." Oh yea, he has a stake in the custom game with J-4 jackets"; true!!
BUT......Consider this, Eric has offered advice to new bullet makers that could be considered trade secrets or little tips that others would be reluctant to give up. He has brought shooters into R&D and testing to further the gains in shooting for the many rather than the few. He has taken critics' blows on the chin and responded with a level of respect equal to a true and concerned gentleman and businessman.

I've noticed a consistant level of care and involvement by Eric on this board. The catalyst for my posting was a message I read to the Late Jeff Fowler family and concern for their bullet making business. I believe Eric is a real asset and regardless of great bullets, great J-4 jackets.... He seems to me to be, a "Stand Up Dude"!


I had a issue with some bullets a while back, one email to Eric and he made it right, shipping included and made it happen fast. Thank you. Ron Tilley
There is a lot of good people in this sport. My list of names is getting longer every day.!!!

Berger Bullets has been a big player for years to our benchrest sports, and have endured many growing pains along the way.
For current times and technology of todays match bullets, Berger's rate at the top of my list for quality, with service and input at a capitol level, to say the least.

There's always more people behind the scenes who's names get left out, and I want to Thank All involved with Berger Bullet's. Capitol efforts and Capitol bullets!!!

I fulfilled several personal goals last season, and can honestly say Berger bullets and Berger efforts were a very strong part of my accomplishments!!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
There are a lot of guys and gals out there who are working hard to make a positive difference in the shooting sports, but I don't know of any who are doing it with as much energy, enthusiasm, and selfless dedication than Eric. He doesn't do anything half assed, and that's an inspirational trait weather you're a bulletsmith, truck driver, bean picker, or whatever.
Thanks Eric, for everything your doing for the shooting sports.
I will add that I contacted Berger about some issues, and was absolutely treated like royalty.
They will have my business. I bought 1500 105 VLD`s last week Eric, they are beautiful.
Eric, its funny, 10 minutes ago I sent you a e-mail at Berger, then I run across this thread. Let me say in public Thanks for a great product. Art Brady
Eric and Berger Bullets

I met Walt and Eunice over 40 years ago. Walt and his delightful bride have been inspirations to us all. When Walt sold Berger Bullets the whole shooting community lost out. And Berger Bullets took a complete nose dive. Walt reasumed the control of Berger Bullets and he and Eric have done a great job of bringing Berger Bullets back to the top of the comercial bullet making business. I may not always agree with Eric but he has my highest resect. He will let you know where he stands and bends over backward to do a good job both for Berger Bullets and their customers. The bullet making business is a tight knit community and the other manufactures are always watching what Walt and Eric are doing.

I would like to say to Eric that your Bullets stand up for themselves in the way of winnings on the line. Your customer service is first rate. Your open communications about your products are always welcomed by the shooting community. If you have a short coming it may be that you try too hard to please everyone. Don't let folks lure you into a verbal fight on the open web. Keep yourself above that and always be professional.

Keep up the good work