
James M.

New member
How many are expected for this year's SS? Some time back, Hobie said that about 200 had registered. I am hoping for a pickup of maybe another 100. James

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I'm in the

How many are expected for this year's SS? Some time back, Hobie said that about 200 had registered. I am hoping for a pickup of maybe another 100. James

200. I sure hope more than that show up as well. Will you be there James?

Those who can not attend will wish they could and will be there in spirit. Those of us who live south of "Fantisty North" (Washington D.C.) and on the "Right Coast" will be well represented.
I'll be there.

Bill, I will be there the 19th. I guess I will extend you credit if you didn't bring any quarters. Good shooting.....James PS- Here is Bill when advised of the number of quarters owed.:D
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Bill I will loan

I will be there May 12th with "NO QUARTERS" parked across from David and next to what's their names, EH!!

you quarters at only twice the going street interest!!!!!!:eek::cool: BTW, you will have to put up with me and Max more than normal. We are camping this year.:eek:
David, I have really enjoyed the Flying Fish cap that you gave me a few years ago. My problem is that the oil needs changing badly. What would it take to get a new one? Thanks....See you at Kelbly's.
there will be

David, I have really enjoyed the Flying Fish cap that you gave me a few years ago. My problem is that the oil needs changing badly. What would it take to get a new one? Thanks....See you at Kelbly's.

more new ones in the trailer. Looking forward to seeing everybody there.
