SS Day 3??????


Club Coordinator
SS Day 3?????? Link to pics....

Well a little birdy flew by my ear and said to me......

Prepare to sing "OH CANADA" for the HV Aggregate WINNER.

Not to be a Smart A++ but just heard from Gammon that George Carter won the HV Grand aggregate with a forth place finish today........

Hopefully a few more results soon.

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Congratulations George, I've shot with George and Vera many times they are both fantastic people. Gammon if you see this give George my congrats, EH.

Dan Honert
p.s. Bill, who's doing the duck this year?:D
I hope it is okay to mention but Bill has been keeping the Canadian BR community informed of our fellow countrymen at the SS. He also has sent a bunch of pictures to our webmaster at that he has posted.

Thanks again to our ROVING REPORTER BG.

Good shooting George.
Looks like Bill Gammon is doing a good job on the CA site.
nice pics, Bill.
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You fereign guys are a hoot. What you drink up there CC. In So Cal we eat fereign food and wash it down with branch water to stay away from the law dawgs driven around. Here's your sign.
Getter Dun.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
That CC stuff does not touch my lips. It must be the new and the GREATEST, FORTY CREEK. That stuff is killer man. Straight up on ice or with a splash of water. I see if I make it down to the Nationals I just may have to bring a bit to share.:cool::cool:
I stayed 14 days next to you Cannucks at the Phoenix Nats that had the World Shoot the next week,when was that ? You guys partied every night, I still remind Gammon of it, he was there, actually learned a little benchrest from you guy's and one gal. You remember the Phoenix Nats that the tent set up for the World Shoot collapsed from the wind.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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Sorry Steve, that would have been long before I had EVER HEARD of Bench rest or even seen one of these rifles.

I think what ends up with some of the Canadians who like to party is a way of dealing with cabin fever. It ends up being part of our lives.
Almost all my relatives live in Maine. Lots of my relatives live around Quebec and Eastern Canada. Lots of them were bootleggers along with the Kennedy's, back during the Prohibition in the US during the 1920's and 30's, before FDR repealed the Prohibition. My dad died at 42 a long time ago from a alcohol related disease, he was in the Army from 1940 till 1949. He was stationed in Pearl and experienced Dec 7, 1941. He fought in the Italian campaign and the Phillipine return of Mc Arthur, he got around.
My dad had enough shooting during the war. I developed my interest in benchrest on my own, my step dad was a Desert hamster at times so was my brother and myself. I learned shooting and the Desert from him, I learned benchrest later from Harvey Miller and others.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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