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Rich do you think they want you to know about the Fast and furious, Bosnia, or what really happens anywhere?

Joe Salt
Jerry............my question is (and that video came out several weeks ago) why have we not heard anything more about this? That reporter, Mat Lauer is a big name with NBC. I would think there would be more "hub bub" about it and yet? I have not heard anything about the fact no assault type weapon was used??? Somethings fishy here

Hey Rich, notice the big push here and now. Not immigration, not the economy, not the debt ceiling, not even Iran. The big push for here and now is gun grabbing...the best chance in years to disarm America... "assault rifles" and big capacity magazines. They are trying to strike while the iron is hot, i.e. while the memory of Sandy Hook is fresh.

I surely hope no one with good sense expects any of the media to bring out the truth. The same propaganda mill that got us into WW I, WW II, Vietnam, War on Terror, surely most intelligent folks don't expect CNN, CBS, NBC, even FOX to give it out straight (but then again???).

What we should push for with our Congresses before they write any new laws is for the whole story. Not just the coroners report, what is that corners agenda?? One thing we should push for is the complete police report taken from the start. Things like the cartridge cases on the floor and their little numbered signs we often see.

They are there, good investigation requires it. Just from those photos we can easily tell if it was in-fact an "assault rifle" that did the killing. Show us photos pf the guns still laying where they were found, including what was found in his car.

Hellsbells Rich, you were a cop. See where I'm coming from with this??
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Jerry.........my thought was the fact that it was aired on NBC (LEFT WING NEWS) NOT FOX, I would have thought more would come of it???????
Rich De
Jerry.........my thought was the fact that it was aired on NBC (LEFT WING NEWS) NOT FOX, I would have thought more would come of it???????
Rich De
FOX,FOX is right wing?? Home of Kristol and Krauthammer and several other neocons. Home of Geraldo Rivera and Don Imus?? I don't see where that FOX BS comes from.

Take for example Kristol, the son of a Russian, self described atheist. A Trotskyite in the biggest sense. Who do you think
finished implementing Communism to the world-Leon Trotsky? Sweet and smiling Irving Kristol father of sweet and smiling Bill Kristol of one of the biggies at FOX ..


Jerry, blaming Bill Kristol for the "sins" of his father is not fair. Jesus said that a child's teeth will not be set on edge because the father ate sour grapes. James
Jerry, blaming Bill Kristol for the "sins" of his father is not fair. Jesus said that a child's teeth will not be set on edge because the father ate sour grapes. James

James I agree totally with what Jesus said but Bill Kristol is just as guilty as his father.

Son William has the same mission as daddy Irving!!!!!
FOX,FOX is right wing??

Right wing? Nah.

Is the Pope a Christian? Couldn't be a "real" Christian with all the abuse perpetrated by his priests.

Kinda like Karl Rove on Fox. Hard to tell these days if he's a "real" conservative or not.
Right wing? Nah.

Is the Pope a Christian? Couldn't be a "real" Christian with all the abuse perpetrated by his priests.

Kinda like Karl Rove on Fox. Hard to tell these days if he's a "real" conservative or not.

Was it really necessary to insult catholics?

What a jerk.
Was it really necessary to insult catholics?

Not an insult-- how can we ignore the "look the other way" policy of church leaders (all the way to the top) for thousands of cases of child abuse?
Spreading rumers is one way TO DESTROY something good.
propaganda ''
With the thousand and thousands of priests in the church a few bad ones sinned.
Then theres the false statements made by homos who hate the church and what it stands for.
Some people are just out to destroy morality and the family unit.
I call it the degeneration of American society