Split Necks?

John S

I could not make up my mind as to which forum to ask this question, seems general questions has turned off the firearms related subjects, so here goes.

First I am helping a friend and this is not my rifle and as we all know the problem may exist somewhere between, "What's really happening and what someone is really doing".

So to start off please give as many reasons possible as to why case necks split.

This is a custom chambered Remington.

Thank you.
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So to start off please give as many reasons possible as to why case necks split.

The neck splitting is most likely caused by work hardened brass(though I can't think of what else would cause it). To prevent it anneal the brass necks. If you do a search there is plenty of information available here on how to anneal.
I have had some brass in the past that necks would split on the 1st or second firing, apparently it was not properly annealed during manufacturing.

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What has thrown us for a loop is that it is new brass on the second firing.

We do have one of those fancy annealing machines avaible.

If anyone has more thoughts please let me know.
In the last year I had a couple 7mm Rem Mag cases split at the neck on first firing it was Remington brass. The rest of the brass from that lot I have fired 4 or 5 times without problems, didn't anneal it either.
Several years ago (25 or more) I had a bunch of 25-06 brass split the necks on the second firing I believe that was Rem. also.