Speed worth it???


New member
Ok I am shooting a 6.5X284 F class and I originally worked up a load and stopped as soon as I got 1 hole groups @100 yards The gun shoots very well out to 1000 yards, but today I got some crazy info that is making me think. Originally my chrono put the load at right under 3000fps and my report didn't work out right, so I got two other chrono's and they read the same SLOWER than the first chrono. Apperantly my chrono isn't working right. My load is only pushing 2830fps with a 140Grain Berger VLD and 49.5 grains of 4831SC. The second 2 chrono's confirmed it. Now the load is super accurate, but is it worth me playing around to try and get a faster load??? I have next to 0 exsperience and wind kills me and the extra 150 fps would help with that. I don't know how much extra wind fighting benifit the 150fps will get me as I am new, so do you think it's enough to warrent the extra time money and barrel abuse to try and develop a new load??
If you trust your shooting skills, go up in .5 grain increments. Fire three shot groups at 100 yards. When you get the most accurate one at a new setting (without too much pressure), fire 3 shot groups going .1 grains-- or even .2 grains -- on either side. At this point, you should only have fired about 30 rounds. Now fire a 5- or 10-shot group to confirm. If it isn't as accurate as you current loading, stay with the original.

You say you're inexperienced. Only one way to get experience. But here is one tip: If this is an especially good barrel -- you've won a lot with it -- screw it off and save it for big matches; the World Open, the IBS Nationals, etc. At 30-40 shots a match with a LG, an exceptional barrel can last a long time if you use it only when it really counts.

I will say this: Often, the most accurate load is very stiff; the rifle makes more of a crack than a boom. Cases don't last very long. You have to decide what's important to you.
My first year in IBS I shot a 300 WBY/210 bergers VERY slow....under 2750 FPS....73 g. (maybe 74g...can't remember) of RL25. I had a 6 fps ES and did well with that tube that year. I found loads in that tube that shot well at over 3000 fps, but the ES was around 40 FPS. Speed is good...but not everything. I'm guessing that sub 2750 fps is in the 30-06 speed range.
Leave it alone!!! You will gain nothing but heartache chasing the velocity, it WILL NOT help you in the wind it will only burn your barrel up for naught.

Accuracy beats velocity every time. IMO the only reason to shoot 'hot' is because IME that's often where the lowest Extreme Spread occurs. But if your rifle is shooting I say let it be.

To expand a little on the wind thing...... the extra 150fps just doesn't do anything for you but move your groups over a little. Your GROUPS, a VERY little. You might dial on an extra click. Shot-to-shot within a group it does essentially nothing for you.


sounds like I am gonna just leave it be for now. When I re-barrel it next year I will take some more time to develop the best load for the gun as 14 hours before the first match isn't the most oportune time to shoot a gun for the first time. Next year I will be more prepared for what I have gotten myself into.